Oblivion's Queen Page 14
Her familiar grinned. "Moderately so. Hideously inappropriate, and your parents would have convulsions before your mother discretely congratulated you on a marvelous catch, when all the dust had settled, at which point she would engage in a ruthless campaign of her own, with you under her wing, on how best to transform a wanton dalliance into a marriage proposal."
Twilight chuckled at Jess's shocked expression. "Don't look so shocked, Jess. Your mother knows all too well how the game is really played, and has always been at a loss with your idealism, your castles of virtue so grand she was loath to breach them with a cynic's barrage, till life itself tore away your idealism and taught you that perfect faerie tales truly are a thing of Faerie. Only then would you be sufficiently open to life's realities for her to cease playing the perfect mother for you, and take you under her wing to teach you all the nuances of politics and intrigue, as she does dear Appolonia. She's just shocked it's taken so long, frankly, and I don't know if even she truly appreciates how grim and cynical you truly have become in regards to mastering the killingfields of war, under the tutelage of he who was perhaps the most ruthless commander of all, during the Velheim Wars."
Jess grimaced. “Father knows. For all that his own idealism and code of virtue grates upon Mother at times, his sad, sad eyes tell me he understands exactly what Eloquin forged the young girl who once wanted to be the noblest of knights into.” Her solemn expression lightened as she shook away such grim reflections. “You had to mention Mother, didn't you? Okay. Seducing the duke, as handsome and tempting a man as he is, is a bad idea, I know.”
Twilight shrugged. "It would shock Josie to no end. Malek would approve in his own cynical way, actually, and Raphael would make jest and assure your friendship with him transcended any awkwardness of rank or station between you two, as he does with all his friends. That all being said, it is one viable path to establishing a highly profitable trade empire of our own, and if we play our cards right and Malek and I do what we do so well, the diOnni name would be upon the lips of all the known world, and all the fish of all the seas would soon be delectable morsels upon our plates."
Twilight looked ecstatic at the thought, Jess noted wryly. “I see we have no ulterior motives in support of this scenario,” Jess quipped.
Twilight grinned. “Your well-being will always come first and foremost, my mistress. But a table groaning under the weight of delicacies from across the face of Dawn is a goal worthy of empires, dear Jess.”
Jess laughed. “Thank you for the fond image, Twilight, but enough of fantasy for this evening. Time for us to do what we must.” She gently kissed her familiar's forehead. “To sleep I go, per your request. If you discover anything interesting, awaken me at once, beloved one.”
"Of course," her familiar nodded, his brilliant sapphire eyes watching over her so protectively, even as she sunk into the soft depths of sleep.
Jess, wake up and ready yourself!” Her familiar's fierce gaze locked upon her own.
Jess shivered, frozen for a but a moment, before stumbling into her armaments as fast as she could, cursing herself for being careless and sleeping for comfort instead of practicality. "Report, Twilight." Jess felt a cold wave of dread wash over her even as she forced herself to breathe, to focus, shucking on gambeson, mithril mail shirt, bronze plated boots, helm, and gauntlets last of all. In less than a minute she was ready, forgoing her lamellar armor for the sake of speed.
“Is it about Allen's quarters?”
"A trap," Twilight said. "Meant to lure out any would-be investigators. The fools were conversing quite freely, and I heard enough to rush over immediately. Jess, they mean to take out Duke diOnni himself!"
Jess froze at the news. “Come, we have to alert the guard!”
Twilight's gaze stopped her cold.
"They have inside men even here, Jess. We are safe only because the duke gave you leave to make yourself at home in quarters comprised largely of hardwood. No foe will break through that door or chop through the walls anytime soon. But I fear for the others. Come, best we all vacate before they put their plan into effect."
Jess hissed. “What plan?”
Twilight gave a curt shake of his head. “No time. We must go now!”
Jess needed no other warning than that. Heart racing, she approached the doorway, her fingers gently caressed the wood. She sensed nothing beyond. Carefully, she cracked open the door. The hallway was empty.
“To Malek's quarters, then Alex and Jera.”
Jess nodded, proceeding down the hallway, a quick wrap at her shieldbrother's door.
No response.
Grimacing, she gently pressed her hands against the wood. “Ward for my brother that you are, I must pass,” she whispered almost as an apology before gently applying her will to the doorway. The lock popped free of the door frame, the door opening wide to reveal Malek lurching out of bed, blade jerked out of sheath.
"Bloody hells, Jess!" Malek's whisper was a curse, breathing deep even as he shakily smiled and resheathed his blade, Jess doing the same, her own sword seeming almost to leap to hand of its own accord, though she wouldn't have dreamed to cross blades in earnest with live steel, save to parry his blows until he came to his senses.
“My apologies. Now up in arms, quick! No time!”
Malek grimaced and with Jess's help was attired with gambeson, bronze reinforced lamellar, and mail hauberk in less than two minutes, still longer than Jess wanted to take. He smiled grimly as Jess raised her eyebrows, though she did not hesitate to assist him and double check his fastenings. “Sorry for the delay, but we both know what happened last time I was not fully armored and battle fell upon us. Now what's going on?”
Jess gazed at Twilight, who gave a quick shake of his head. “No time. To Alex's quarters, and be ready to slice any wards, lest you startle him.”
Jess nodded. “Come on, Malek. Twilight will explain later.”
Malek grimaced. “Damn. No details. Must be bad. Okay, let's go.”
With that the pair headed out, swords raised, Jess sensing no one in the hallway ahead.
A shared glance and several hand-signals later and an understanding was instantly reached. If they stumbled across anyone, Jess would take point and catch their gaze. If she didn't like what she saw, she would attack and they would fight to kill, whoever it was.
Silently they proceeded to Alex's quarters, darting into an empty alcove when they made out footsteps of guardsmen ahead.
Utterly still they waited for the men to pass, their indistinct voices muttering about lowest treachery, Jess once more grateful for the surcoat she habitually wore over her shimmering mail, so she was as well cloaked in shadow as her brother-in-arms.
“The way is clear. Move now,” Twilight curtly counseled, Jess nodding, signing for her brother to follow as she made her way quickly down the hallway, second story floorboards knowing better than to squeak under their tread.
A gentle tap upon the door, and strangely enough, Alex was already awake, cracking it open and blinking with bleary eyes.
“Move!” Jess curtly whispered to a surprised Alex, only registering his state of undress as she all but shoved him back inside as Malek quickly followed, quietly closing it shut once more as Alex and Jera gazed at them in surprise and growing alarm, Jera blushing prettily as she quickly donned clothing.
“Jess? Malek?” Alex grimaced for their expressions.
“Trouble,” was all Malek said.
“Dress first, I will speak as you do so,” Jess counseled, gazing at her familiar.
Twilight gazed solemnly at Jess. "I overheard the duke making contact with an informant who offered to clarify matters regarding the agent who had made the offer for the chalice, just before I went to scout out the murdered student's former residence. I gathered the contact was a man the duke had long trusted, a close family friend. The duke was also leaving with a quartet of armsmen, so I left him to his own devices as I embarked up
on my own little mission. I fear things have not gone as the duke had hoped."
Jess frowned. “you are going to tell me something I don't want to hear, aren't you?”
Twilight nodded. "I'm afraid so. But first to set the scene: I waited for some time at Allen's place of residence before being rewarded for my patience with a single individual abruptly leaving. Soon enough he had left shabby flats for far richer pastures, quickly ushered into the backdoor of one of Krona's many well-appointed chateaus. Before long he was deep in conversation with what can only be a serious player in the game we now find ourselves in, coordinating their strike against you and your friends, Jess."
Jess swallowed, breathless, as her familiar spoke on. "You four are to be captured in your sleep, accused of conspiring to murder the duke." Twilight paused a moment, gazing at Jess solemnly. "You and Malek alone they will spare. Alex and Jera are to be killed as soon as you four are secured, under pretext of attempting to escape."
Jess's blood ran cold, even as she conveyed the words to her shaken friends.
“By the gods. Is the duke already dead?” Jera whispered, frozen in place even as Alex helped her don her armaments, light as they were, though Jess prayed Jera wouldn't need to use her blade.
Jess turned to her familiar. "No," her familiar assured. "The duke was overconfident, however, assuming that long friendship and the men he brought along with him would be sufficient protection. Unfortunately, the men speaking knew of this arrangement, and I soon discovered that Duke diOnni is already under their power. Furthermore, we know just from the conversation we overheard in the hallway that the diOnni armsmen are themselves compromised. I would assume that the housemen with the duke are either involved in this darkest of intrigues, or they are already dead."
Malek grimaced as this was conveyed. "So we dare not even alert the seneschal himself, even as we spot the serpents in our nest. For any man we encounter at this hour is already deep in our enemy's pockets, and would as soon cut our throats as look at us, should we go wandering about, looking for Chelton for aid."
Twilight flashed a cold grin. “You see, my mistress? Our Hound is not quite so foolish as his bumbling personality would have you think.”
“Quiet, cat.” Malek frowned, before blinking in sudden confusion, gazing about the room. “Bloody hells, Jess, it was almost like I could hear him.”
Jess gazed curiously at Twilight who shook his head. “No time.”
“All right, Twilight. The duke's in trouble if not already dead, heavens forbid, and our enemies have penetrated the household and could strike us at any time.” Jess shook her head. “By the gods, I should have thought to question every man here, after the incident at the Chateau.”
Twilight shrugged. “Everything is clear in hindsight, my mistress, but we all must head forward into future's fog, and no shame in that.”
“But what about Raphael and Josie?” A panicked Jera asked.
Twilight sighed, gazing at Jess. "I am sorry, my mistress. As to that, I do not know. My first priority was to assure the safety of you four. I had time enough to verify the duke's location, but dared not waste another moment. Only now are we in a position to take the offensive, ascertain the state of young Lord diOnni, and plan our next move."
Jess nodded coldly, well aware of the tactical soundness of her familiar's thinking, though determined to protect all of her friends at all costs. “Twilight doesn't know. He's clever but not omniscient, and saving us four, who can fight as one unit, was his first priority. Now that we are together and prepared, we can scout out their quarters. Pray to the gods that the pair of them are okay.” Her friends nodded solemnly at this.
“Malek and I will lead, Jera take rear. Alex, you are our center, be prepared to ward and protect as you can, just have a mind as to where we are.”
Alex nodded grimly. "Close quarters and wood. Not ideal for elementalist spells at all. Worst case scenario, I can set a powerful windward, though it will tear apart this house entire and, gods forbid, any innocents. At least we will be safe, and our assailants tossed aside."
“Let's try to avoid killing any innocent servitors or honest guardsmen just following orders,” Jera grimly advised, Jess nodding her agreement.
With that, the four cautiously proceeded, Jess somehow centering herself with the chateau, largely constructed from finest hardwood, soon able to pick up the telling vibrations of armsmen or servitors stepping upon the wooden boards ahead, and save for a harrowing moment lurching out and grabbing a startled servitor before he could cry out, they were safe. A part of Jess was chilled at how completely that ruthless side of her had come to the fore, more than ready to snap the servitor's neck as Eloquin had taught, before Jera's horrified gasp had brought her back to her senses. Seeing only terror in the older man's eyes, Jess had settled for stuffing linen in mouth, and binding him tightly in an unused guest room nearby before making their way onward.
“I won't ask if you would really have killed him, Jess. Honestly, I don't want to know,” Jera whispered, flinching when Jess gazed back at her friend.
“We are at war, Jera, with enemies unseen. Our goal is to survive and protect our friends. At any and all costs. No matter what, we will achieve our mission.”
Malek nodded in grim agreement, Alex grimacing but not gainsaying her, Jera paling and looking away.
“The way is clear,” Malek commented as they made their way to the third floor, Jess nodding in turn as their friends pattered up, relieved and a bit surprised to see no armsmen or servitors on the third floor quarters, the reason soon becoming obvious.
“Bloody hells, he's gone!”
Jess grimaced and nodded as they looked through Raphael's exquisitely appointed room, the four-post bed, silken sheets, vanity tables, full length flawless mirrors and a dozen other artifacts giving evidence to a man content with the wealth of princes. Jess gazed at the door her touch had gently compelled open. “The door wasn't forced. Nothing is destroyed. Either he joined his father willingly in meeting this family friend, he and Josie both, or they have already been accosted under pretext that allowed for no struggle.”
Malek grimaced and nodded. “So our next step is tracking them down.”
“And getting out of here without raising an alarm,” Alex qualified, even as the sound of shouts and rapid fire orders could be heard from below.
“Oh no,” A panicked Jera whispered, eyes haunted once more.
Malek quickly looked about the room, smiling fiercely when he gazed out the adjoining balcony. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Jess grinned, even as she gently stroked the door. “Agreed. 'Tis better a bloodless retreat. Gods know how many of those fools are family men with little ones of their own, only following their master's orders in good faith, even if they have been misled.”
Malek chuckled softly. “And some of them are corrupt bastards, and you don't have the time to judge everyone's gazes in the heat of combat.”
“No I do not,” Jess agreed solemnly. “Very well then, let's do it.”
With that Jess and Malek, working together, quickly roped and knotted up all of Raphael's bedding as Jera and Alex gazed on, even as the shouting, vaguely heard in the hallway beyond, grew louder.
“We have time, but eventually they will think to check Raphael's quarters. Eventually.”
“True,” Jess smiled at a frightened looking Jera. “But fear not. We shall be long gone before then.”
With knotted rope in hand, Jess proceeded toward the balcony, gazing for one moment at the breathless beauty of the starry night sky overlooking the magnificent city in all its nighttime glory. The grand copper and bronze domes of the largest structures glowed warmly despite the hour, as if lit from within by lights mundane or arcane.
Allowing herself no further distraction, seeing no men in the dim courtyard below, Jess quickly secured the silken bedding, knowing that the wooden balcony would hold, but silken sheets, strong as they were, were forged from the most humble of creatures an
d their webs of wonder. No plant fibers did they contain, and so were outside her domain. She gazed up at Malek.
"I'm going first, to make sure it holds, and to ward our exit, should trouble come."
Malek gave a quick nod as Jess looped her leg around the rope, using friction to ease her passage and not fatigue arms that may soon see battle, quickly making her way down without incident, until a man's frustrated roars suddenly washed over her as she silently slid down past an open second story window.
“What the hell do you mean they aren't in their quarters? I expect them tied and bound, caught asleep in their beds. We are being paid good money, especially for the Calenbry wench, and you know damn well what our reward will be if we botch this!” The unseen pair argued on, Jess giving her racing heart a moment to settle before making her way down, now all too aware of just how well orchestrated the gambit against them truly was.
She gave the rope a pull when she was safely upon the ground, longsword quickly unsheathed, gazing about for any patrolling guardsmen, seeing only one of the compound dogs who already knew her. Jess bent down to one knee, clucking gently, patting and stroking the dog when he approached. Tail gently wagging, the impressive looking hound was soon panting happily beside his friend.
Sword sheathed loosely, Jess gazed up, ready to catch Jera lest she fall, yet her friend managed the descent without incident even as Alex seemed caught in the rope, Jera taking point as Jess readied to catch him for one heart-stopping moment, before her friend finally made his way down, breathing raggedly, having somehow managed to tumble into her arms head first.
“What in the world were you thinking?” Jera hissed, Alex looking suddenly chagrined.
"My shoe. Bloody hells, my laces got all tangled in the rope, and I'm normally a fair climber." Jera shook her head bemusedly, kissing her lover fiercely before letting him go.
"That is for scaring me," she scolded, even as Alex took the time to relace his shoes with shaking hands as securely as he could. He also took a moment to greet and calm the overly enthusiastic dog, all of them with heart in throat, hoping the poor thing wouldn't start barking, Jess grimacing as Eloquin's cold voice in the back of her mind told her what she should have done with the dog the moment he had quieted beside her.