Oblivion's Queen Page 13
“Let's just try to survive this quest, my brother, hopefully with our sanity intact.” Jess's gaze was almost haunted. “Much as I revel in the madness of battle when my blood is hot, it leaves a bitter aftertaste upon reflection. And the thought of becoming so lost to it that my own family would have cause to fear me, that is a thought I cannot bear.”
Jess blinked and turned, sensing Josie approach.
Her friend blinked and smiled, her hand frozen in midair before she gathered the courage to wrap Jess in a consoling hug. “The very fact that you fear truly losing yourself to the bane of every soldier, every Delver, is the grace that will save you, Jess.”
Jess chuckled bitterly. “You're a healer in training, Josie, as savvy as any, I am sure, and a student of Highrock. If anyone would know the prognosis of us Delvers not eventually losing ourselves to madness or death...”
Josie looked away. “Let's not speak of such things, Jess. This is the life you chose. And I am grateful for it. I owe you my life, and when the time comes... if it comes... I will be here for you, as best I may.”
And that was all the answer Jess needed.
“Well, I do have some news, at least,” Alex allowed as he and Jera met up with them for a quiet, discrete dinner in the duke's personal study. “Although I could find no leads regarding Pomell or the wand, it appears that the Chalice was used in various rituals ancient diabolists performed in forming pacts with infernal powers.”
“Like a summoning circle?” Josie asked.
"Not quite," Alex corrected. "It wasn't simply about summoning a demon for counsel or bargaining, but forming an actual link with said dark power. It appears to have been used in ancient rituals of dark communion." Alex's expression became brooding. "It seems that the coven that discovered this artifact used it to somehow anchor some hellish being to the living world, using certain dark rituals of sacrifice. Ostensibly, the surviving diabolists were awarded great power, though the translation as to what exactly that power was, is somewhat unclear. I am not sure if they are saying if unlimited power or lifespan was the boon, or perhaps the summoners themselves were rendered demonic and thus outside the stretch of mortal years, though I would assume still under the service of their summoned lord."
Malek grimaced. “Bloody hells. Either way, damned bad news for Erovering if this chalice is once more brought into play, and these fools actually manage to summon some infernal power or some such.”
Duke diOnni visibly paled, shaking his head with obvious regret. "Entire chunks of Erovering's history are lost to time. Eras of empires that once spanned the continent, works of steel, steam, and stone the likes of which we can barely fathom, all wiped clean from the face of Dawn, with almost no records of that ancient age, save scraps of fantastic lore kept at the Scholarium, from a time when Erovering itself was but a barbarian backwater of a nation whose name is itself lost to time. One can only wonder what hideous price we would all end up paying in this day and age, if some vile monstrosity were summoned from the depths of hell once more, and given free reign. And I, utterly naive to this threat, sold this chalice for coin that means nothing if our nation is wiped from the face of the continent as a result of hideous pacts we can scarcely even fathom.”
"It's all right, Father," Raphael assured. "There is no way you could have known. No way we could have possibly known or suspected. The players involved are deadly and thorough, and approached you in a way that all but guaranteed their success, when magics of enticement proved fruitless. An honest trade for an absolute fortune in gold, backed up with intimations of royal displeasure if you dared to refuse. No merchant in Erovering would have acted differently."
Duke diOnni sighed. “Such as that may be, my son, a grave responsibility still rests upon my shoulders, to rectify this hideous wrong.”
Alex nodded solemnly. "On our shoulders as well, Duke diOnni. For it was our school from which they pried free the wand that I shall not name.”
Malek smiled grimly. "And thus, the responsibility lies upon myself and my shieldsister, students of our school and blooded Delvers, to make things right."
Jess squeezed Malek's arm. "Well said, shieldbrother."
The duke flashed a bemused smile. “'Tis hardly your burden to bear, young Malek. As I understand it, the only reason why your school stands intact at all is due to meritorious actions performed by you and Jessica upon the fateful day of that invasion, the raiders infecting your very dreams. A tale not easy to untangle, mind you, but one that nonetheless I was able to ferret out, my son being a student at said institution just one lever among many.”
Jess felt her cheeks redden. "I thank you for the compliment, my duke, but sadly, I recall next to nothing of that night, and I believe I was sworn to secrecy regarding the events, though I cannot say for sure."
“You were, and best you remember that,” counseled her familiar from his chosen spot upon the corner of the table that for whatever reason was free of papers and foodstuffs, even as he finished off yet another exquisitely prepared tuna steak, otherwise content to silently watch as Jess and her friends chatted on.
Malek nodded. “Truly, my duke, Jess and I recall virtually nothing of that night. Though it pleases me to hear such praise, I must wonder if I am truly worthy of it. I can only hope I acquitted myself so honorably. For a Delver's memories of his explorations become as wispy as smoke, recollection fading away if not quickly transcribed by pen or bard, as if one was waking from a dream, once we return from our mystic forays to places I sometimes think no mortal was meant to go.”
Alex nodded. “True enough, friend Malek. I suspect the Shadowrealms are far too strange a place for mortals to safely tread, for all that Delvers have a peculiar gift that allows them to thrive where other souls would be crushed to nothingness. Still, even your resilient spirits can only endure so much of oddities and madness.”
"Hence why bards are so vital," Raphael nodded. "Recording your journeys and the glory of your exploits, before you sleep the sleep of the dead and awaken, how did you put it, Josie? Attuned to the living realm once more, no longer in danger of 'slipping away.' Your minds, however, lose clear memory of the wonders and horrors experienced, no matter how fantastic or dreadful, purged free of knowledge it was never meant to discover. Fortunate we are that at least the treasures pulled free of Shadow endure, priceless artifacts proving that it wasn't all just a dream."
Alex tilted his head. "Though I can appreciate the philosophical sentiment, it doesn't explain why experienced Delvers often retain odd gifts that fall outside the elementalist paradigm of magic, even if the memories of the events that led to the budding of such powers slip from memory's grasp."
Josie frowned. “That's simple enough, Alex. Their bodies are warped by the shadowmagics slowly infusing their forms, even as the gentle gods cleans their souls of unholy memories that would hinder their ascension to heavenly grace, once they have completed their journey of learning and growth through the difficult path of pain and wisdom we call the living world.”
Alex smiled gamely, looking ready for a lively metaphysical debate, before Jera gently squeezed his hand. "Thank you, Josie," Jera soothed. "I'm glad we are all here for Jess and Malek, should they need us, braving this dangerous path to power for our school's sake. Goodness knows they have been there for us in our darkest hours. But I fear we are going off topic."
Alex sighed. "You are right, my Jera. So, what do we know so far? We know that the chalice is in play and its potential, if the legends are true, is dire. We already know what that wand can do, it having been used once already to put Highrock in peril. Beyond that, we know both are missing, and though we suspect the wand is in Pomell and can thus surmise that is the end destination of the chalice as well, we still have no clue as to where that village lost to all living memory is located."
Malek sighed. "We also know that the scribes themselves are puzzled by the loss of a number of tomes, so cleverly stolen that only now are alarms being raised, which means our enemies have made a
n active attempt to cover their tracks. And I fear Allen's demise was no coincidence. Perhaps your friend did have knowledge regarding the whereabouts of this Pomell, knowledge those infernalists feared getting out, and so they hired or persuaded that lord to pick a fight with poor Allen, and end it as fatally as possible."
Jess clenched her fist. “I want to know who that damned lord was, baiting that poor boy, then deliberately running him through. It was a killing, pure and simple, for all that it happened via lawful means in broad daylight. He and I need to pick up our conversation where we last left off!”
Malek chuckled grimly. “And I will happily serve as your second.”
Raphael sighed. "Chelton is looking into it. I promise you, as soon as I know, so will you, but please have a care. Remember the day and a night cooling off period. Both of you have family actively attending Council, and you being the daughter of a named lord, Jess, means you particularly want to give your father no cause for shame. Remember, striking a fellow lord without proper cause would be looked at in the most serious light by the Council. And sadly, Jess, it would make no difference to them that this jackanapes slew a commoner in what was an agreed upon duel, after all, whether or not it was strictly legal. If Allen had been your lover or kin, that would be different, but alas, you never got the chance to know him. Strange as it may sound, I think you and Allen might have become fast friends.” Raphael gave a bitter shake of his head.
"This man, whoever he is, dared to slay a friend of my House,” Duke diOnni said. “An act for which he shall find there are significant consequences."
Softly said, yet Jess could feel a weight in the air. For all his gentle airs and almost fatherly regard for her, Jess sensed that when crossed, Duke diOnni was a potent force, and not one to take lightly by any means.
Jess turned to Raphael, struck with sudden inspiration. "Raphael, do you think there might be profit in our investigating Allen's quarters? Perhaps he had maps or notes that might be of use to us."
Raphael gave a bemused shake of his head. "Angels above, I should have thought of that myself. Credit to you, my friend. Yes, we shall peruse his quarters, first thing upon the morrow."
Malek turned to Jess. “Good call, Jess. And why wait?”
Duke diOnni flashed an apologetic smile. "I hope you will forgive my request, but I would count it a favor were you all to wait till morning. I can have a quartet of my own men discretely accompany you, and most importantly, thugs or throat-cutters will be far less likely to ambush you in broad daylight, a time when any witness can register a face, and the scantest testimony is all that is needed to link a suspect to a high crime. Here in Krona, the penalty for a commoner assaulting a noble in anything save an agreed upon duel is death by torment, and the royal guard will engage in the most fanatical of hunts to bring any such miscreant to justice.
“That being said, it is obvious someone is not opposed to striking from the shadows, and until we get a grip on the nature of our enemy, I feel obliged to do all I can to protect my own, and that most definitely includes my guests. And if you will forgive me, dear Jess, the thought of having to explain to your father why I allowed you to meet folly on my behalf without assuring your safety, particularly after you had saved the life of my own son, is a conversation I never wish to have."
Jess took a deep breath and bowed her head. “It shall be as you say, Your Grace.”
The duke looked pained by the sudden formality, but smiled in appreciation. And as much as Jess hated the delay, having already faced considerable peril at all hours, she more than understood the duke's position. Too much death had already occurred, and Eloquin himself would critique their risking springing a trap with terrain and timing all in their enemy's favor. Still, there was a lot to be said for using cover of darkness to spring an enemy's trap back in their face.
"I don't suppose we could take steps so that a discrete and well-defended eye is kept on Allen's lodgings? This way, if someone should unexpectedly enter or leave the residence, we will have a fresh trail to follow, which may, in the end, serve us at least as well as anything we find there."
Duke diOnni smiled in approval. “I like the way you think, Jess, and I am happy to say that your request is already in effect, put into place by none other than dear Chelton himself.”
“Good man, that one,” Malek said. “I wouldn't be surprised if he had been a Squire himself, once upon a time.”
Jess nodded. “That or an agent. He has that look about him.”
Raphael chuckled ruefully. “I really should make a point of attending your daily briefings with Chelton, Father. I could have been far more useful during this conversation.” His eyes lit up. “I do have good news, Jess. It appears that we have received an invitation for a Jessica de Calenbry, myself, and any accompanying 'friends of Highrock' to attend a gala being held by the Silverman clan on the morrow. A messenger from their House just brought word before our little impromptu dinner gathering.”
Jera smiled at Jess. "I didn't know you knew the Silvermans. But wait, you used to spar with Johan, right? One of the Knight Aspirants you were actually on good terms with, for all that you couldn't stand Mord."
Jess flushed under Jera's considering gaze. "Well, we did sort of run into Johan's sister Rigna earlier, and she did mention we should call upon her. Frankly, I am surprised an invitation was actually sent."
Malek grinned at their friends' looks of confusion. “Jess was dressed as a lad with her hair tucked into her roundlet cap, a look we are used to, but as most ladies dress as seductively as fashion allows in the capital, it is not surprising that the elegantly attired and rouged Rigna thought Jess a young lord going places, and had been quick to flirt with Jess before she realized her mistake. I suspect she told her brother in passing, and he insisted that she make good on the invitation she had offered as a point of honor, for all that she had beaten a hasty retreat once she had realized her mistake.”
Jera nodded even as Jess frowned. “I'm not sure if my going is such a good idea,” Jess said.
"Nonsense," Jera insisted. "It will be a wonderful chance for us to socialize, relax with fellow lords, and savor life in the capital. Frankly, we've all seen a bit too much of death and tragedy of late. We deserve to enjoy high society for the space of a gala, just to appreciate what sweetness life has to offer. Besides, you never know, Jess, maybe you will meet the girl or guy of your dreams. Perhaps young Johan has what it takes to win your heart, after all?”
Jess shrugged. “He's a nice enough boy, I suppose, but you know I did my best not to take boys seriously, what with Mord scaring off anyone who showed the least bit of interest in me.”
Jera nodded. "True. But be honest, Jess, it wasn't entirely Mord's fault."
Jess flushed at that. "You're right, Jera. As much as I despised his jaded contempt for half the school, when it came to riding under Eloquin's banner, I valued his martial skills far more than I cared about his social flaws. And for all that he can be abhorrent, never did he fail to guard my back. I think in his own twisted way, Mord actually grew to care for me."
Malek reluctantly nodded. “I was there when he made that sick confession. I know he feels something for you, and whether it is madness or adoration, I fear you being with him would crush your spirit. He's a good man to have by your side in a fight, I've never regretted him by our side when it was time for us to serve king and Crown, but I think he'd be a horrible man to live with. He would never leave you be until he utterly controlled you, like the perfect doll.”
Jess shivered, looking away. "Don't worry, Malek. I don't plan on making that mistake, not ever."
Jera winced and rubbed her brow. "Look, I'm just saying that this is a fresh start, of sorts. We are away from Highrock and whatever it was you shared with Mord. We are here in the capital, and Johan, a fellow student of Highrock who I think was always a bit smitten by you, has just invited you to his family chateau for their upcoming gala." Jera winked. "If you play your cards right, who knows what could happen
"It is a beautiful time for fresh starts," Raphael agreed. "And where better than Krona, the heart of Erovering? We have a gala to attend on the morrow, and I am sure there will be plenty of handsome young men and women who would be delighted to make your acquaintance, scions of distinguished families who don't know the Plaga clan from turnips!"
It is not a bad idea, really, and does not technically violate your promise to the duke, since I am not actually a direct anthropomorphism of your powers, but am my own person, thank you very much."
Jess nodded solemnly as her familiar flashed a wicked grin. "This I know, my beloved Twilight, and I agree as well that your counsel not to violate my oath and join you is far more important than I realize, and that promises are not a thing for one such as I to surrender lightly." Jess sighed, knowing Twilight hated it when she gave her word, feeling that it bound her more than others, and she dare not break promises once given, lest doing so injure her, somehow. But the duke's sad eyes and gentle smile had been so reminiscent of her father's that the oath not to pursue scouting out Allen's residence had come forth seemingly of its own volition from her lips.
Wizard or no, Jess ruefully thought, Duke diOnni certainly had a way about him that all but compelled agreement. Smitten as one was by the sudden desire to be held in high regard by those gentle, knowing eyes, feeling the strength of character and potency coiled within that sleek frame, so reminiscent of Raphael's own.
Jess smiled to herself, reflecting not for the first time that Josie had made an exquisite catch.
Twilight cocked his head. “Reminiscing?”
Jess chuckled throatily. “Attempting to seduce the duke would be a horrible idea, wouldn't it?”