Oblivion's Queen Page 9
Jera smiled. "I wouldn't worry, Jess. We both know that man is no fool. No doubt his henchman Chelton is making discrete inquires, even now."
Jess sighed and nodded. “A fair point, and I do believe those anxious looking servitors heading our way with full pails of water are here to prepare my bath as we speak.”
Jera nodded, both saying nothing further of significance as Jess's bath was prepared, and soon enough Jess was sighing at the sweet luxuriousness of a wonderfully hot bath, room servant free and secure once more, Twilight gazing at her with an indulgent smile as he soaked in the warm rays of the morning sun pooled under the fine glass window her esteemed quarters allowed her. “There are advantages to be had in the pursuit of wealth, my Jess, and any number of means to acquire it. Some are actually honest.”
Jess chuckled indulgently. “That may be, Twilight. But for all that I love the hot water, a soak in woodland springs serves me just as well, with an even more beautiful view than Raphael's exquisite accommodations, and I need shed no blood in conquest, nor give myself a headache designing convoluted trade schemes to acquire it.”
Twilight nodded. "You were always a far better tactician than trader, and for all that you're no scholar, you were never a fool either. I think it has always been a question of temperament. Fortunately, you always did have a knack for acquiring friends who were gifted at ministerial and mercantile pursuits, so that you could focus on the things that really mattered."
Jess gave a curious tilt of her head. “Sometimes your thoughts drift oddly, beloved one. I can't always tell if you refer to the here and now, or some former master.”
Twilight chuckled softly. “In the end, it matters not. For I will always serve you, my Jess, till the end of all days, for so long as you would have me.”
Jess impulsively sprung out of her bath, hugging a suddenly displeased looking Twilight in her enthusiasm. “Oh, silly cat! I will always want you, you know that! And no one is more grateful to have such loyal friends skilled at all sorts of interesting things than I am.”
Twilight masterfully slipped out of his pouting owner's grip. “You're soaking wet, Jess. Now finish your bath and let me dry out in peace. There's a girl.” His gaze grew contemplative after he had shaken himself dry. “So, we are heading off to the Scholarium after breakfast then? A sound plan as any, I suppose, assuming our enemies have not destroyed any traces of Pomell within the stacks of books, having gone to such efforts to strike at us, repeatedly, even in our dreams.”
Jess grimaced. “There is that. 'Tis a good thing we are acting first thing, then. And hopefully they won't be worried about us at all, assuming they haven't already made themselves scarce.”
Jess was happy to see that Duke diOnni cut no corners in showering his guests with the bounties of his House, breakfast being every bit as rich an affair as the meal the night before, and Jess was only too pleased to note plates of piping hot crepes awaiting her pleasure. It appeared that someone had spoken of her favorite morning meal. Fresh tuna steaks were also on display, a pleased Twilight noted, and as one, the pair proceeded to avail themselves of their host's munificence, forgoing all conversation until their ravenous appetites had at last been sated.
“Your table once again exceeds all expectations, Your Grace,” Jess raised her glass in her host's honor, who smiled warmly, dipping his head in turn.
“I thank you for the high praise, dear Jessica. Your actions on my clan's behalf have more than earned you the warmth I would show my closest friends, those who have always been true to me, a trait I consider more precious than gold.”
“Thank you, my duke, for honoring me with such grace. Truly, I sense the fount from which our dear Raphael acquired such character and nobility of spirit.”
Raphael laughed at this. "It is I who thank you, Jess, for saving my skin, and quite frankly, befriending you was probably the wisest move I made at Highrock, not to mention assuring me of many an interesting evening's diversion, nights that would otherwise have been spent in company no doubt far duller than the beloved friends I find myself blessed with today." At that Josie smiled, her chair allowing her to lean against her beau, who unreservedly held her close. "And it is thanks to our Circle that I have met she who is no doubt the greatest treasure of my life. At least, for now," he allowed with a wink, Josie's eyes alighting with mock outrage even as Raphael smiled, and Jess blushed when she caught the whispered words. "At least until we have children of our own, my Josie."
Josie's happy blush made it clear all was forgiven, Jess sighing in delight for her friends' joy, even as she dug animatedly into her crepes.
“And so, may I inquire as to your plans for the day?” Duke diOnni asked.
Raphael nodded. “Of course, Father. I took the liberty of seeking council with our seneschal before retiring last night, in order to best make use of his insights and contacts in devising the most prudent strategy for the days ahead. Even as Chelton seeks answers to one question, we shall be heading to the Scholarium to track down what information we can regarding the other treasure that we seek, Chelton already having been so good as to have a runner bring word to an old friend of mine, who agreed to meet with us today.” Raphael grinned. “We both counted it a blessing that he keeps late hours. I know he stretches every copper farthing as a resident student scholar, and he has ever been too proud to ask for a handout, but a boon for honest assistance, that I am more than happy to give him, and he to accept.” Raphael sighed. “Frankly, for all that I love my time at Highrock, I regret having not kept better touch with my friends at the Scholarium, young as I was while attending that fine institution.”
The duke nodded at this, all understanding that even here, in the heart of their host's home, it was best not to name certain things directly, for it took only one overly gregarious or even mildly corrupt servitor to reveal that which must be kept hidden for as long as possible, obsequious servitors even at that moment bringing fresh platters and refilling cup as needed.
“A fine institution, where I was educated myself, as you well know, and glad I am to have a son wise enough to master the resources of two colleges. Frankly, I think you did a fine job of grooming an excellent set of contacts before making your way to Highrock, their loyalty to your interests even now speaking well of your judgment of character.” Duke diOnni favored Raphael's companions with a genial smile. “A judgment of character that has proven itself absolutely pristine, having the good sense to open your heart to friends as worthy as the ones breaking their fast with us, even now.”
Raphael nodded, dressed in finery of silk and velvet, the mirror image of his father, so elegantly cut that Jess did not for a moment think her friend looked a fop. For all that the attire was admittedly ostentatious, the lines were clean and her friend's handsome frame was shown to good effect. “I agree completely, Father.”
Raphael smiled at his companions, noting their curious gazes. “I had, in fact, attended the Scholarium at the age of twelve, a bit younger than many of my peers. It was there, learning the nuances of what Father had already taught me so much of, that I learned about Highrock, and it seemed a marvelous place, so very different than my own Scholarium, and I thought it a nice change of pace to study the military aspects of trade and empire building, not to mention polish my martial skills, if only somewhat,” he allowed with a rueful smile. “Thus I did not pursue my professorship in trade and finance, but instead headed to our mutual home of the last three years, at first as a whim, but quickly grew to love so much of it.”
His father smiled in approval. "Not to mention you used your time quite well, making the acquaintance of many of our northern peers, and assisting in the formation of several profitable trade arrangements that benefit our clan, even as we speak."
His son nodded. "It is always a pleasure to better our position in ways that benefit everyone, Father. And I have you to thank for teaching me how to put into practice what various scholars are only now grasping the theory of. In any event, I am happy to say that my great
est find break their fast with us, even now." He smiled warmly at Jess, even as she gulped down a slice of delicious ham, suddenly feeling all eyes upon her.
“Now if only we could come to an arrangement regarding making use of your marvelous horticultural skills. Imagine, Jess, the bounty of exotic herbs we could grow for the benefit of healers and alchemists across the continent entire! We could do such good, my Jess, and so profitably as well, for both our clans.”
Jess flashed an apologetic smile. “I am sorry, Raphael. Perhaps one day. For now, let's focus all our resources on finding this lost village, where Alex assures us that our ultimate prize is being kept, to say nothing of tracking down a certain cup, which, gods willing, hasn't left the capital yet.”
Raphael nodded. "Of course you are right. Forgive me for the moment's distraction. No doubt we will have all the time in the world, once we put things to rights here. First stop for us then is the Scholarium, where we shall meet with an acquaintance of mine who is something of a cartographer as well as an excellent scholar, and shall no doubt be able to assist us in obtaining whatever maps or other documents are to be found in the library regarding this ghost town that seems to have vanished from near everyone's collective memory already."
The Duke smiled good-naturedly at that. “I must admit it is fascinating to hear of mysterious locales forgotten by all in the heart of our kingdom. Experienced as I am, I credit myself with being at least moderately well versed with the crops, materials, or manufactured goods nearly every population nexus in this nation specializes in. To think one might have vanished from memory without my even being aware of it, is as chilling as it is mysterious.”
Alex nodded at that. “You are absolutely correct, Your Grace.” Alex flushed slightly, for all that the duke smiled warmly and bid him continue. “I myself am only aware of the particulars for having taken the precaution to write it all down, much as a bard might, before it was lost to memory, even if my journal now has the taste of fairy tale, even to my eyes. It is enough to make one wonder how much of the fantastic legends that permeate children's tales even now are based on very real events and lost magics that have merely been, for whatever reason, erased from our history and collective memory, save in accounts that have the flavor of story.
“In any event, Jera and I were planning on heading to the Velice residence here in the city and make use of my family's rather extensive library. Although we are not traders in the same category as yourself, master trader that you are, if I may say so, we do have some interests including the pursuit of exotic finds of various sorts, which has blended into an appreciation of the local histories and geography of the towns that make up our great nation. Although it is a long shot, there might be pertinent information to be found there in regards to Pomell.” Alex flushed and smiled, gently gathering Jera's hand into his own. “Besides, it's time Mother and Father met my beloved in person.”
Jera flushed at this, gazing breathlessly at her beau. “Alex, I had no idea!”
Alex flashed a sheepish grin. “It's a gamble, but I have it on good authority that my parents are both here in Krona attending Court, and it would be a fine thing to see them before we are off on the next leg of our journey.” His warm smile was belied by the haunted look to his eyes. “To be honest, Jera, I don't know what is in store for us. None of us do. I think it's best that you meet my family while we have the chance.”
Jera's expression turned equally grave. “You are right of course, my love. Yes, let's meet your parents first thing, and see if we can track down any leads while we are at it.”
The duke's gaze was filled an almost fatherly affection. “Well done, young Lord Velice. I shall have several of my house guard escort you, if you like. These are dangerous times, and I would see no ill fortune happen to any of my guests.”
Alex gave a grateful nod, all of them knowing without a word being said that with such dark powers in play, none of them were entirely safe, not even here in the capital.
Well Jess, what do you think?" Malek asked, flashing his shieldsister a grin, Jess smiling back, in truth more than a little awed by the sights and sounds of the capital. The tree-lined thoroughfare was a beautiful counterpoint to the ivy-laden walls of the stately manors they passed, exquisitely tailored guardsmen wearing highly buffed coats of mail at front gates smiling and bobbing their heads as Raphael greeted those he knew, said men uniformly handsome and in their prime, as much on display as the various chateaus themselves. Jess savored the scents of honeysuckle and mint perfuming the air from numerous miniature gardens, appreciating as well scents of morning repasts fit for a nobleman's appetite wafting through the morning breeze. For all that they were in the capital, here in the noble district at least, it felt almost as if they were taking a gentle stroll through the park, with architectural wonders all about.
There was, of course, the somewhat discomfiting bustle of the crowd, albeit most were well dressed servitors or well-to-do tradesmen here in the noble district, and all uniformly polite, gracefully dipping their heads before Raphael and Josie, obviously dressed as lord and lady, Jess and Malek having chosen to wear their Highrock uniforms, boots, and gloves instead, both grinning at the other, recognizing the telltale signs of mail worn underneath, Jess having no doubt her shieldbrother's gloves were also lined with mail, as were her own, both of them wearing their double crossed blade pins as would be expected with their uniforms, and understood by those in the know. Jess had also opted for a gentleman's roundlet hat from a bemused Raphael's collection, the padded edge having practical use in defense against light slashes to the sides of her head. Her own considerable locks were carefully rolled up and secured underneath, acting as quite effective padding for her skull, even if it puffed up her hat to the edges of acceptable fashion.
Jess had ignored Josie and Jera's pointed looks, they themselves dressed rather fetchingly in dresses of rose and blue, dolled and perfumed, and, Jess admitted to herself, utterly adorable. Malek, of course, had been supportive of her taste in attire, and had, in fact, grabbed a roundlet for himself, stuffing his own hair in tandem, and most importantly as far as Jess was concerned, Malek and she were both fairly well protected, and with her mithril mail strapped tight to her frame, at first glance she looked as much a boy as she did a girl. Frankly, Jess thought, they made a dashing pair.
"It's absolutely marvelous!" Jess admitted breathlessly to Malek's question, gazing in awe at the grandly appointed buildings lining the main boulevard they strolled along, Raphael having made the astute point that the capital city was not an ideal place to take their battle-trained destriers out for a stroll, and in point of fact, most nobles either hired open carriages hitched to the most docile of ponies, or walked in the capital.
"I quite agree. Sometimes I forget why I take such pains to avoid walking the streets of Krona. Until, that is, I think of Father." Malek grimaced, shaking his head ruefully. "He was quite happy to exile me to Highrock, and I quite happy to leave."
Jess nodded sympathetically, gently squeezing her shieldbrother's hand before she was left breathless by the sight before her.
“And there you have it, my friends,” Raphael declared, pointing with a showman's flare at the grand building of shimmering white stone topped with a massive dome of bronze that was, Jess immediately understood, the central building of the Scholarium they were heading towards. Jess had no doubt that the incredible structure before her was one of the original buildings of Krona, and knew that she was not alone in feeling awed and humbled as she approached the massive edifice. “Rather impressive, isn't she? One of the more remarkable relics left by the original founders of Krona, I would say.”
"Oh, she is a wonder, Raphael!" Josie declared breathlessly, hand to heart, shaking her head with reverence. "And to think, the most esteemed healers in all of Erovering, those destined to tend to the Royal Family itself, train here."
Raphael gazed fondly at his beau. “You have no regrets about your time at Highrock, I hope.”
Josie's smile was wistful but she gave a firm shake of her head. “No, my Raphael. Never that. Highrock's Healers Wing is comprised of some of the best white mages in all of Erovering. And I, though gifted, make no claims about being of this school's caliber. The masters at Highrock are excellent teachers, and taught me as well as any mentor could, I suspect. Besides, when it comes to treating traumatic injury and quick, thorough purgings of detritus at wound sites, Highrock's healers are among the best in Erovering, as would be expected of wizards training to treat battlefield injuries." She gazed wistfully at the grand building before her. "When it comes to treating plagues, the deadliest of diseases, to regenerating missing teeth, even limbs for the richest of nobles with the means to secure the services of numerous healers at once, even to inventing magics to defeat decrepitude and death itself, no coven of mages has come so far as the Royal College of Healers, however, located right here on Scholarium grounds."
Jess frowned at this, though couldn't say why. The sudden weight on her shoulder, however, happily filled her in. “It is because some things are forbidden, my Jess, and these healers, for all that they are of the best intentions, skirt upon dangerous ground, though they know it not.”
Jess turned to gaze at her bemused looking familiar. “Twilight?”
"Yes, I know. I said I would keep an eye on Alex, Jera, and Raphael's kin, make sure they are safe, and I will. I just wanted to check up on you first. Stunning hat, by the way," her familiar teased. "But who knows? Dressed as you are, such a contrast from the dresses and frippery that are so very much the norm, you may just manage to pass as one of the more effeminate looking lads, your implied relationship with Malek quite the acceptable proclivity here in Krona, especially among the well-to-do, if permitted in few other places without censure."
Jess nodded. “I know. Malek already seems more at ease. I saw him smile and nod at two rather handsome young men holding hands earlier, but I know how loyal he is to Jacob, even if they are quarreling. But Twilight, what were you going on about forbidden magics?”