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Oblivion's Queen Page 8
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Page 8
“Will someone please tell me what is going on?”
At that moment her familiar popped back through her door in that odd way he had, Jess swearing to herself she would get used to it eventually. “Twilight, what's going on?”
Twilight blinked, whiskers twitching, gazing at her friends for some moments before at last dipping his head solemnly, as if he only now understood. “Ah. I think I see. A price was paid, my mistress, in stepping past the boundaries of the mortal realms. Not too steep, I hope, and I suspect our companions have the key of it. Let us hope it is not too late to do whatever needs to be done.”
“Jess?” Josie, staring at her with grave concern.
Jess spent long moments staring into her drink. “Apparently something happened while Malek and I were... asleep, though Twilight doesn't seem entirely certain as to what's wrong either, or at least, he won't say.”
Alex grimaced, shaking his head. "I knew there were risks to doing what you did. But never mind that. What matters is that you rescued Malek from death's door, and we are all here among the living once more."
Malek gave Jess an affectionate squeeze before kissing her on the cheek. “I owe this girl my life, and don't think I will ever forget it!”
Jess smiled at that. “As if we didn't already have each other's backs, whenever it counted, and shame on me for chasing our enemy in the heat of the moment and not making sure you were at my flank.”
“In any event,” Jera said, “our original mission was to retrieve the Wand of Dreams, stolen from Highrock after being used to mount an attack against us, the student body entire at risk of being butchered in their very sleep, their very dreams, before you and Malek led the vanguard, cutting into them with your arcane artifacts and disrupting their plans.”
Raphael nodded solemnly. "We all owe you our lives, Jess, for all that most of us were encouraged to forget, ostensibly for security, but a part of me suspects it was more to save the school administration's hide, as much as anything else."
“That's all right,” Jess grinned. “I like Dean Echobart, and I certainly don't mind him owing me a favor.”
“That's the spirit,” Raphael encouraged. “Why make waves, when you can make alliances instead? And I agree, he's not a bad sort, and no one saw that twisted plot coming. The fact is, I myself forgot that terrible night, as did most of us, it being on the edge of the Dreamrealm, from what I understand, as much as any mundane person can go, and it is only from my frequent discourse with Alex on the subject while you two were... sleeping, that has left me as cognizant on the subject as I am.”
Alex nodded. “Indeed. Simply put, at the behest of Master Enchanter Rens, yet in truth at the behest of all the key players at Highrock, we were commissioned to retrieve that wand at all costs, and get it out of enemy hands. We fear it falling into Velheim's clutches at the very least, and worse, it being used for some diabolical plot involving the darkest aspects of infernal magic.”
“Bloody hells!” Malek cursed. “What coven of fools would leave such an artifact lying casually around? Why wasn't it destroyed in the first place?”
Alex sighed. “Officially, it was actually being used as a dreamward of sorts, to protect our school.”
Jess raised an eyebrow. “Yet it was somehow used to facilitate these... infernalists in infiltrating our dreams? That hardly makes sense, Alex.”
Alex grimaced, shaking his head. “Don't I know it. Definitely a double edge sword, so to speak. Still, one thing is certain, we need to get that artifact away from our enemies, no matter what their foul plans are. Personally, I trust Rens, and I know his intentions are honorable, even if his magics are a bit...unorthodox.”
Jess nodded, well aware that the master wizard was skirting the very edges of forbidden arts, striving to create more potent artifacts than the fragile, imperfect arcane constructions that even the best enchanters were only capable of at present. In pursuit of that goal, the esteemed Rens was not opposed to using the very life-force of beasts, though stopping well short of using human souls. And so long as that distinction remained hard and fast, Jess supposed she could accept it, for all that she thought the man was skirting dangerous ground indeed.
“I agree, Alex. If this wand had been used to launch an attack upon our school, in our dreams, no less, then yes, we need to get that thing away from our enemies, and make damn sure it's securely held, if not destroy the thing outright.”
Alex turned pale, seemingly at the very thought of destroying what was no doubt a unique artifact, however dangerous, before grimacing with the slightest of nods. “Be that as it may, the first step is tracking that thing down.”
Jess nodded. “Agreed. So how are we going to do that?”
All eyes turned to her as one.
“Actually, Jess, we were counting on you.”
Jess groaned, clutching her head. “Bloody hells.”
Malek laughed at that. “Well there we go, then. It looks like Jess has no more idea what we are looking for than the rest of us do.”
Alex gently squeezed Jess's shoulder. “Think, Jess. It isn't about where the wand is, it's about finding Pomell, as well. That's the town we think the diabolists fled to, for all that none of us can seem to remember clearly what direction it's in. You seemed to have the sense of it, when first we talked to Master Rens. I'm hoping you can pick that scent up again, so to speak, whether you recall our actual conversation regarding the wand, or no.”
Alex visibly grimaced when Jess turned to face him, feeling off-balance, shamed, and angry at herself. “I am sorry, Alex. When I close my eyes and try to get a sense of... anything, all I sense is darkness, my own meandering thoughts, and mocking laughter.”
Josie hissed. "By the gods, Jessie, I pray you weren't tainted with infernalist magics yourself, when you freed Raphael's poor servant from that vile Galeck's dark enchantment."
Jess gazed at her familiar with panic stricken eyes. “Twilight? Is it possible?”
“Don't be absurd!” her familiar scolded. “None have the power to bind you to such magics without your sworn consent, and if you'd stop to get a sense of yourself, you'd know that there are no chords of darkness tying you to any vile compulsion. Goodness knows that if you did find any, you could cleave yourself free with bloodied blade, readily enough.”
“Good point, Twilight, and I'd be a fool not to check for myself.” Jess grimaced and nodded, closing her eyes in the hopes of somehow getting a sense of herself.
Josie gasped with concern when Jess began to whimper.
“Jess, what's wrong?”
Jess snapped her eyes open. “No strings of darkness bind me, but somethings wrong! I'm cut!”
Alex blinked, looking carefully at Jess. “I see no marks, Jess, are you sure?”
Jess gave a sad nod. “Yes Alex, I'm sure. It wasn't my flesh that was cleaved. I think it was a piece of my soul.”
"Nonsense!" Twilight scolded. "Your soul is immortal, more powerful than most, and is not so easily punctured as that. It is a fraction of your mortal experiences only that you have lost. As have all three of us; you, Malek and I, and all pertaining to this... artifact Alex speaks of." Twilight glared. "And I have no doubt that it is no coincidence, and I have no doubt as to the culprit behind the move, either. One thing grows increasingly certain. We need to get to the bottom of this, by whatever means we can."
“Jess!” Josie cried. “Oh Jess, I thank all the gods you saved Malek, but I knew you were dancing on the razor's edge of forbidden arts. Are you sure, Jessie? Are you sure your very immortal soul was wounded? Oh, we must take you to a priest, right away!”
“I don't know if that would be an ideal solution, actually,” Alex noted, “our Jess is a Druid, after all.”
“Nonsense!” Josie snapped. “Even nature lovers may commune with the angels above. The Temples of Heaven are open to all men with peace in their hearts, or at least the desire to better themselves.”
Raphael smiled indulgently. “Our Josie is a believer, bless her
heart. I can only say that I am pleased beyond words that she is able to love me, despite my all too obvious failings.”
Josie permitted Raphael's arms to wrap around her, despite the line of consternation upon her brow. She permitted herself a small sigh. “It is a healer's nature to aid and redeem the sick, where we can. That includes spiritual counsel, when needed, though few soldiers want to hear of anything save when they will be fit to fight again. An injury of this nature, however, demands that I be candid with Jess regarding my worries for her soul.” She tilted her head towards Raphael, smiling sadly into her lover's eyes. “You, my dear, are definitely a work in progress. But having won my heart, I accept you as you are, for all that I will counsel you on how best to acquit yourself for the judgment to come.”
Twilight's bemused gaze lifted Jess's heart for some reason. He winked at his mistress. “I see Raphael has fallen for a true believer. Oh, how interesting the lives of their future children will be, indoctrinated into the most ruthless elements of trade, and the importance of charity, forgiveness, and spirituality, all over the same dining table.” He chuckled softly. “Somehow, I don't think Josie need worry overly much for the state of your soul, nor how her circle-mates will fare, come judgment day. Between you and me, my Jess, I do believe they all have a free pass.” His wink left Jess chuckling softly even as she realized she had no idea what her cat was talking about. A not infrequent occurrence, she realized at that moment, even as her friends turned their gazes fully upon her odd laughter.
“Jess, what's wrong?” Malek asked, his gaze so heavy with regret. “By the gods, shieldsister, please tell me saving my worthless hide hasn't wounded your very spirit! I would never forgive myself. Never!”
Jess gave a gentle shake of her head. “Nothing like that, my friends. And don't worry about my soul, dear Malek, beloved Josie. All is well. Twilight counsels that it wasn't the flesh of my spirit, but mere memory that was torn from me in my struggles to save my brother. And memory, unlike a wounded soul, can be repaired with fresh learning.”
Alex nodded. “Well said, Jess. In that case, I think we know what we should be doing come tomorrow morning.”
Jera smiled. “Let me guess. Head on over to the Scholarium and ascertain the whereabouts of Pomell?”
Alex kissed his lover's cheek. “Exactly. Even as Duke diOnni uses his resources to help us ascertain the nature of this agent who had paid such a handsome price for that most dangerous chalice. And grateful I am that your father is so willing to assist us in this matter, Raphael.”
Raphael chuckled indulgently, even as Josie sighed contentedly in his arms. “Believe you me, friend Alex, that is the least of the boons my father would show you all, for having come to Josie's and my aid during what turned out to truly be a mad flight for our very lives.” His gentle brown eyes lingered upon Malek in particular, gently squeezing his friend's powerful shoulder in heartfelt friendship. “You in particular, dear Malek, having endured a full on lance charge while pinned under your horse, have earned my gratitude and my hopes that I can somehow make up for the injury you took upon my account. For even I know that there is no more grievous battlefield injury than being impaled by couched lance when your enemy is at full charge. All too well do I remember gazing upon you as you lingered on death's very doorstep. The image haunts me even now, my friend. Quite frankly, I don't see how my debt to you and Jess can ever be fully repaid.”
Malek flushed with embarrassment, though unable to hold back a pleased smile. "Frankly, Raphael, it's nice just to not be the black sheep, for once. I can only hope that I can hold on to your family's kind regard for me, and I apologize in advance for when I eventually muck things up."
Jess gave her brother in arms a fierce squeeze. “Ow, stop it Jess, you hug too hard!”
“You stop that nonsense, Malek! You're as fine a friend as one could ask for, and the brother of my heart. Your friends care nothing for your predilections and oddities. For if they did, they would have surely kicked us both out, long ago. All that matters is that we are steadfast and loyal to the ones who love us, and they in turn accept us for who we are. That is how true alliances of the heart are forged; contracts of love which even the heavens themselves would honor, every day we renew our vows upon the field of battle, or in the friendships of gentler lives we all hope one day to live.”
Raphael nodded. “Well said, dearest Jess. Well said. And friends we all are, bound by contracts of loyalty and love, transcending mere parchment and ink, I am sure.”
At which point Josie yawned even as she winced in apology, and Jess realized how exhausted her friends all looked, for all that Jess felt near to brimming with restless energy. “I think Josie has the right idea. For all our trek through primeval forest has filled me with a gentle elation I can scarce describe, smelling air sharp with the scents of a thousand rustling trees, foliage lush and rich upon branches soaring high above, I know we have traveled hard these last few days. Let us rest, and begin our research on the morrow.”
Her friends nodded their accord. “It seems Jess has the right of things, once more,” Raphael said. “Rest well, my friends, ring your bells if you need any late night service, and I know the servitors will be all too happy to assist upon a moment's notice.” His eyes, when he turned to gaze upon Jess, were filled with warmth, affection, and undeniable gratitude. Jess turned away, flushed, suddenly at a loss for words. “I thank you once more for coming to the rescue of my heart and I, Jess. My gratitude to you knows no bounds.”
Josie chuckled indulgently even as she yawned, brandy and exhaustion at last catching up with her. "Careful, beloved, or we might find a third friend in our bed tonight."
At which point Jess promptly buried her head under her covers as her friends made their farewells.
A final gentle squeeze, and Malek looked up. Warm brown eyes smiling gently into her own. Otherwise, they were alone. "Don't mind Josie. She would never have made such a joke, were she well rested and sober, or if she thought you wouldn't laugh it off, being the boldest and sauciest among us all that you are.
Jess smiled, wanting to say so much yet finding herself speechless. Without overly thinking it, she gently grabbed her shieldbrother's loose curls and drew him in for a kiss, fierce and hot. She felt Malek sink into it and her heart raced with exultation, before he abruptly pulled away.
He laughed it off, even as Jess buried herself under her covers once more.
“I love you with all my heart, Jess, but you know some things weren't meant to be.”
With a gentle kiss to her blanket covered forehead, Malek let himself out of her quarters, closing the door softly behind him.
Yes, I'm coming,” Jess sleepily murmured to herself, lost in downy bedding and sweet, ephemeral dreams slipping away to foggy wakefulness even as she tried to hold tightly to them. She whimpered only slightly at the continued, insistent knocking, forcing herself up and scratching underneath her hauberk even as she stumbled over to the door, the cheerful oak happy to impress upon her awareness the impatient denizen upon the other side.
“Open,” she yawned, and the door did just that, to reveal a nonplussed Jera, already bathed and dressed, hair combed out and tied in a neat ponytail, and Jess did note subtle use of blush and kohl and the scent of rose perfume, all a perfect compliment to her friend's elegant lilac dress.
“I doubt you've been awake since I first knocked, you look half dazed, Jess. Did you really sleep in your armor all night?” were the first words out of Jera's rather adorable mouth.
“Of course,” Jess allowed. “Not my gambeson, nor, gods forbid, my lamellar. Sleeping on boiled rawhide plates is something I would only do if I was expecting a threat. But a mithril hauberk over a nice cotton shift? Quite comfortable, actually. The links don't bite, and they are not of iron, so there is no unpleasant smell or rust stains upon the bedding.”
Jera gave a bemused shake of her head. "Very well, Jess. If it works for you, who am I to disparage it? That's between you
and your future husband. In any case, I just wanted to let you know that breakfast shall soon be prepared for us, and I took the liberty of asking the servants to draw you a fresh bath."
Jess smiled, quite pleased with the idea. Trained fiercely for battle and well used to deprivation and hardship she might be, but she could appreciate the joys of a good hot soak as well as any girl. "That would be lovely, Jera! I look forward to seeing you all at table, then."
Jera grinned. “And I brought you these!” She lifted the package she held in her hands. “I took the liberty of having all your Highrock uniforms stuffed in Mercy's packsack cleaned and pressed, so now you can wear your school uniform with pride, as, quite frankly, I doubt you want to be wandering about the capital all day in full kit, unless we are passing you off as our bodyguard. Otherwise I fear it would do little good for your family's reputation, for all that technically it is within your rights as a Squire of War and as a noble.” Jera gave a bemused shake of her head. “For goodness sakes, Jess, now that I think about it, we will be wandering about the capital, and your family hasn't even properly introduced you before the Court of Lords as of yet, and you the daughter of a named baron.” Her friend shrugged. “Of course, you could wear a dress like Josie and I are for the duration of our stay in Krona, without fearing stepping on any political toes.”
She laughed gently at Jess's expression. “I thought not. So, Highrock uniform it is.”
Jess smiled, genuinely touched. “Thank you, Jera. That was very thoughtful of you.”
"No worries, Jessie, it was the least I could do. And knowing you and Malek, you'll both undoubtedly have your shirts of mail between undertunic and uniform, in any case."
Jess grinned. “Of course.”
Jera nodded. “Well then, I shall leave you to it. After breakfast, we shall head over to the Scholarium to do our research while Raphael's father aids us in tracking down that chalice.”
Jess frowned. “I do hope the duke is cautious. Even the gentlest inquires in regards to agents should be done with care.”