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Oblivion's Queen Page 5

“Is everything all right, Jess?”

  Jess shrugged and smiled at Malek, before turning once again to Raphael, determined to shake the odd feeling away.

  “Well said, Alex. Come, this way, my friends,” Raphael said, gesturing up the gentle rise of the slope through the grandest part of the market district, now alive with a fair number of sedately strolling people and carriages despite the lateness of the hour. Jess was impressed to see so very many lanterns emitting a soft glow before unusually proper looking taverns, even as Raphael went on to explain that they were full service kitchens, various ones specializing in different fares, pork and fish both extremely popular dishes in Krona. And whereas nobles out in the country typically went calling upon their neighbors for a change of scenery, it had become increasingly common for city nobles and the merchant class to make a habit of dining out at favorite restaurants on a regular basis.

  “It's good for the economy, and a great way to meet new potential clients,” Raphael explained. “Father is quite fond of dining with fellow lords and up and coming merchants alike, for the chance to make new allies, and of course, to hear the most interesting bits of gossip.”

  With a grand gesture, Raphael waved toward a particularly fine example of the stately architecture all around them as they sedately made their way through an obviously wealthy residential district. Surrounded by pristine white stone walls capped in polished bronze, the stately house inside was a wonder of architectural craftsmanship. The grand building was constructed in the classic style allowing for an inner courtyard, and Jess could only imagine how the light must flood the chambers of the exquisitely constructed residence, its stained glass windows sparkling in the moonlight being grand on any scale. Each wing of the great house was capped by towers soaring towards the starry sky, and Jess could just make out the fine marbled tiling of the patio overlooking a miniature pond, lush grasses and rose bushes between manor and protective outer wall speaking of masterful landscaping, giving it all an air of natural beauty even here, in the heart of the city.

  Jera whistled. “What a work of wonder. I'll bet it's the nicest demesne in all of Krona!”

  Raphael chuckled deprecatingly. “Hardly that, I'm afraid, but it suits us all the same.” He nodded at several elegantly dressed servitors approaching at that very moment, the gate having opened seemingly of its own accord as they approached, armsmen discretely absent. “Come, my friends. The finest guest quarters await those dearest to my heart, and then it's off to find Father.”

  With that Raphael entered the compound, Jess and her other companions quickly following suit.


  Young Lord diOnni, we are honored to be of service!” Declared the oldest of the three servitors quickly lined up before a bemused looking Raphael. Rail thin with a balding dome, his spry movements gave ample evidence of considerable vitality, despite the man's thinness and advancing years.

  He turned then, thoughtful eyes giving a quick appraisal of all Raphael's companions before bowing low to the party as a whole. “I see my lord travels in most distinguished company, and you all have no doubt had a most trying journey. Please, allow me to offer rest and accommodations while we see to extra seats for the evening meal where you all may savor some of the finest fare Krona has to offer.”

  Twilight grinned, butting his head against Jess's cheek. “Breaking our fast sounds like a wonderful idea. I, for one, would absolutely adore a lightly seasoned, freshly grilled tuna steak.”

  “Silly kitty,” Jess crooned, scratching her purring cat in his favorite spots, happily ignoring the surreptitious glances this earned her from the assembled servitors.

  Malek sighed. “Damned good thing we're adventurers. Eccentricities are almost expected.”

  “Isn't it, though?" Jess smirked.

  Raphael gave the servitor an approving nod. “Glad I am that Father has you by his side, Chelton. You always have an eye for just what is needed.”

  Chelton bowed low but couldn't completely hide his pleased smile. “Young Lord diOnni is too kind. It is my pleasure to serve you and your distinguished guests, my lord. Shall I prepare your standard quarters?”

  Josie smiled. “Oh that would be lovely, Chelton. Thank you.”

  The servitor dipped his head yet again, and it was obvious to all that Josie was a familiar presence within the household. “It is our pleasure to serve you and your companions, as always, Lady Lakare. And if you will permit my saying so, it appears that you and your companions have had a most arduous journey. If you have any need of potions or liniments to assist you in your healing arts, I am most pleased to report that our greenhouse medicinal herbs are at your disposal. We have recently managed to obtain cuttings from Highrock's famed garden, no less.”

  Jess couldn't help chuckling softly at that. “They must be potent herbs indeed.”

  Chelton flashed Jess a cool smile before catching himself, coughing politely, and deferentially lowering his gaze. “Indeed they are, lady...”

  “Calenbry," Jess said. "Jessica de Calenbry. And I don't suppose freshly grilled tuna steaks are on tonight's menu?"

  The servitor bowed low, seemingly unfazed by the request, for all that Raphael gave a sympathetic chuckle. “Honored to make your acquaintance, my lady, and I shall see if we can secure some Yellowfin Tuna from the night market right away.”

  Jess was surprised. For all that he had boldly greeted the son of his master, he was now oddly deferential, refusing to meet her gaze a second time even as he gave one of the other servitors a meaningful glance, the lesser man immediately bowing and dashing off as if his life depended upon the acquiring of said tuna.

  Twilight purred in approval. "It is so nice to see servitors who actually have a decent sense of priorities. We should steal him when it's time for us to leave, Jess."

  Jess grinned but forbore to comment, gently stroking her familiar even as Chelton gave a satisfied nod before turning once more to Jess, gaze still respectfully lowered.

  “If I can be of any further assistance to you, you need but ask for me.” He then turned to face the group as a whole. “If the young lords and ladies would care to allow our fine stablehands to care for your mounts, I would be more than honored to lead you all to freshly prepared quarters.”

  Jess raised an eyebrow, gazing at Raphael, who gave a deprecating smile. “The servitors change all guest linens daily, for just such an occasion as this one.”

  Jess smiled, before giving a regretful shake of her head. “Truly, we are grateful for your gracious assistance, good Chelton, and your fellow servitor's willingness to go so out of his way to secure my familiar's whim is certainly beyond the call of duty. As much as I am loath to cause you further difficulty with the necessity of breaking protocol, I nonetheless must ask for your forbearance, for necessity dictates we speak to the lord of the house regarding matters of gravest urgency.”

  Raphael gave a pained smile but was far too gracious to contradict Jess openly in front of his servitors. Josie, however, couldn't help pouting, flashing Jess an exasperated look. "Please, Jessie! Surely we have a few moments for a hot bath and a fresh change of clothes? We don't want to make a bad impression in front of Raphael's father, after all, and certainly after all this time we can afford to wait a bit longer?”

  Jess gave a regretful shake of her head, yet it was Alex who spoke.

  “I am sorry, Josie, but Jess has a point. However long it has taken us to arrive has been beyond our control, but should folly occur in the hours of our ease, then we would have only ourselves to blame.” He quickly raised his hand as Josie drew breath to protest. “But the more important point is this. If there are... other parties in play,” he said, surreptitiously glancing at the carefully blank-faced servitors still at their beck and call, “then our presence within the capital has no doubt already been noted, in which case time truly is of the essence, and we must work to secure our position, before said parties can proceed with any hastily prepared gambits of their own.”

  Raphael's expressio
n turned grim even as he nodded. “Alex makes a good point, my love. The most important resource every trader has is knowledge, and it is to his folly to fail to seize upon opportunities discovered, or to warn an ally of a discovered weakness, for a competitor will surely exploit whatever opportunities a foolish trader fails to protect.”

  Malek snorted. “Or to put it in military terms, let's close the damn gates before the barbarian hordes rape and pillage our city.”

  Raphael exchanged a sympathetic smile with his lover before nodding his head. “Come, let us see Father right away. I assume he is in his quarters, Chelton?”

  Only at that moment did Chelton looked a bit nonplussed, peering at Jess and Malek in earnest for all that he avoided their gazes, carefully noting as well the discrete sigils that both Alex and Jera wore. Jess approved. A master trader could do far worse than have a head servitor who was also skilled at observation and, Jess suspected, spycraft as well.

  “My lord, forgive me, but your companions are... how should I put it, hardly attired for suitable discourse? I fear it might put quite a fright in some, and lead to potential... misunderstandings?” He tried for an ingratiating smile. “Perhaps after a nice, refreshing bath and attire far more fitting to our lords' and ladies' stations? We take pride in having access to apparel symbolic of the height of fashion, here at the capital.”

  Of a sudden Raphael's warm brown eyes hardened. Chelton paled slightly and stepped back. "These men and women before you, who I am proud to call among my closest friends, are responsible for rescuing Josie and I both from certain peril." Raphael paused a moment to let those words sink in. The other servitors were stunned at the news, though Chelton was too much the consummate seneschal, Jess assumed, for even a trace of surprise to touch his apologetically solemn features. "For this reason among many others, I will allow no one to question their integrity, character, or honor, or deny them any reasonable request, while under the care of the diOnni clan."

  Poor Chelton, Jess noted, was all but shaking as he bowed as low as his frame would allow. “Of course, my lord. Please forgive my lapse and lack of understanding regarding the true nature of the situation.” Jess caught the hand signals he gave to the other servitors even as he pivoted to smile deferentially at them all once more. “Please, lords and ladies, if you would be so kind. I shall take you to the master of the house at once.”

  Jess smirked, exchanging a glance with her shieldbrother as soon as they had dismounted, who grinned and nodded. He too had caught the significance of the flashed hand signals. "Lord diOnni picks resourceful men indeed," Malek noted.

  Jess nodded. "No doubt we will have well-armed servitors awaiting our pleasure in his father's study or some such," she allowed as they made their way up the glittering marble steps to the gilded grand entrance constructed of hardwoods lacquered and polished to the point they gleamed, the foyer ahead appointed with plush stools, fine hardwood cloak cabinets, and various other adornments, giving it all a cozy air as well as displaying almost offhandedly how wealthy the diOnni clan truly was. A wealth only emphasized by the luxurious hallway Chelton led them down, lined with landscapes and portraits, exquisite statues and pottery upon highly polished tables and cabinets so inlaid with ornamentation they were themselves works of art.

  Jess inhaled deeply, enjoying the scents of orchids and wildflowers, nodding her head in genuine admiration for the craftsmanship that must have gone into angling what she saw were carefully trained mirrors expertly mounted into the ceiling itself, allowing for the blossoming growth of several breeds of hardy orchids Jess spotted in elegant, highly ornamented pots, here in the very heart of the diOnni manor. The way shafts of moonlight lit the hallway as they walked down the warmly appointed corridors filled Jess with something very close to awe. Not only was it beautiful, it would keep the hallway bright with sunlight and the scent of blossoming wildflowers during the day, forgoing the need for lamps entirely, save at night.

  “Not bad, my mistress,” Twilight noted approvingly from his favorite perch. “We shall have to give Lord diOnni credit for innovation and taste, if nothing else.”

  Jess nodded, catching Raphael's curious gaze.

  “Is everything all right, Jess?”

  Jess smiled. "I love the design and care that went into this manor, angling mirrors so as to allow so many flowers to grow within the heart of your home, and they are positioned to splendid effect, catching the light of the full moon. Twilight also approves."

  Raphael winked. “High praise indeed. Ah, here we are, then,” he noted as Chelton quickly knocked on the door at the end of this final hallway, two mailed guardsmen standing at attention at either side of the doorway, as if they had always been stationed there, and not simply signaled to rush via the back-way thanks to Chelton's surreptitious hand signals, Jess wryly thought.

  Raphael's lips pressed together in a hard line. “It's all right, Raphael,” Jess quietly soothed. “Chelton does naught but show loyalty and dedication for your father's well-being. He would be remiss if he did not take extra precautions with the arrival of fully armed and armored warriors who, as any fool with a lick of battle experience can tell just by looking at us, have traveled hard and recently seen action.” Jess gently stroked Raphael's cheek. “We are the real thing, Raphael, and your loyal servitor senses it, and all the more power to him.” She grinned teasingly at her thoughtful looking friend. “My compliments to your father, by the way, enticing such a skilled veteran of the Velheim wars to work for him.”

  Raphael chuckled softly as Chelton bowed low before them, inviting them in. “If anyone could have spotted that, it would be you, Jess,” he whispered even as they made their way into the grandly appointed study. Raphael immediately bowed low before the thoughtful looking man seated behind a grand writing table, sheets of parchment and a map of Erovering and her neighbors laid out before him. Jess could just make out stenciled lines upon it that she could only assume were trade routes of some sort.

  The seated man was tailored in a plush burgundy doublet, with an undertunic of the palest shade of ivory, near identical in appearance to the younger version of himself bowing before them, the same keen intelligence hiding behind warm brown eyes, face a mirror of his son's, save for the slightest touch of gray about the temples. Otherwise, the differences were slight. He had tied back his shimmering locks of brown hair, unlike Raphael who had allowed his own lustrous mane to flow freely down his back in Highrock fashion. More significantly, the sire had a certain air of poise and competent mastery that set him apart from most men, an air Jess couldn't help but admire. Jess smiled as deep brown eyes met her own, sensing the competence of a possible opponent or future ally, even as she and her friends followed Raphael's lead, bowing low before the master of the house.

  A curious skitter across her heart. Cold shiver and hitched breath.

  Duke diOnni favored the young party with a welcoming smile, seemingly not at all phased by their unexpected appearance, Jess and Malek wearing armaments of soldiers expecting battle at any moment, Jera and Alex both clearly battlemages for those with but the wit to see it, Raphael himself gazing at his father with troubled, brooding eyes. Josie was holding fast to Raphael's side, all but trembling with the weight of events that had led to this moment.

  “It is good to see you, my son, more than you know,” the head of the diOnni clan said after a brief, considering pause. “I will admit, I was both curious and concerned when word first reached me of your arrival, but I see you had the wit to travel in excellent company.” He gave an approving nod towards Jess and Malek alike. “Well do I know the reputation of Highrock's future commanders, and her battlemages as well.” This with a final smile towards a nonplussed Jera and a curious Alex.

  “Greetings, future defenders of Erovering, and chosen companions of my eldest son. Welcome to my House.”

  Solemnly, Jess and her companions bowed before the duke as one, giving solemn thanks for his gracious welcome.

  “I bear grave news, Father," Raphae
l began the moment propriety allowed. His father raised a curious eyebrow, and Raphael wasted no time regaling him with the events leading up to their unexpected arrival. The hasty exit from Highrock college, the ambush that had awaited them at the chateau, Dayton's subjugation to infernal influence and subsequent recovery, and the violent battles they had survived.

  Jess felt herself flush once or twice, even as Malek grimaced. She did not recall either of them being quite so heroic as Raphael and Josie recounted, as if they had been a pair of knights out of legend, fearlessly charging into their foes, emerging triumphant against terrible odds, the setting sun shimmering across their armor as if they had somehow been anointed by the heavens. Jess smirked at this, recalling that her shimmering mithril had been completely covered by her full sleeved surcoat, and remembering the melee as an odd mixture of cold calculation and panicked fury. What should be well-organized memories of the battle by the chateau Raphael so eloquently and animatedly recounted were instead mad glimpses of struggling to maintain her focus as she plunged her makeshift lances into her enemies before finally embracing the frenzy, mace pounding with all her fury when true melee was joined at last.

  In truth, a part of her was horrified by some of the things she had seen and done, and was already using Eloquin's taught techniques for pushing at least some of the more visceral memories away.

  Duke diOnni himself was looking increasingly shaken, for all that he hid it with perfect stillness, as Raphael and Josie relayed the horror of their experiences. His gaze did not leave Jess's own as he solemnly stood up, bowing to them as a whole. “Jessica de Calenbry, Malek de Sousel, Alex de Velice, Jera de Leon. My House owes you all a great debt, and one not easily repaid. For you have saved the life of my son, of that I have no doubt.” He dipped his head once more. “Please know that my House is forever open to you. And if you have need of my aid, if it is within my power to grant, I am at your service.”