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Oblivion's Queen Page 3

  Yet the air was utterly still.

  Sudden silence, save for the soft wicker of their mounts.

  “Jess?” Malek's voice. Soft, uncertain. A thousand years away.

  Visions, Jess saw then. Visions of her beloved woodland, at peace in its perpetual waking slumber, dreaming the world through every leaf and branch. And then the sickening chop of the headsman's axe. The scream of fibers stretched beyond all capacity, slender guardians of all that was, sent crashing to the forest floor.

  A trail of sap. Blood from her children. Leaves rustling their crumpled screams, slowly dragged away.

  A quiet fury. A roar of earth and green.

  Time passed. More men came. Grunting like the savage boars they were, rooting the pristine soil, tearing up her ancient forest for prizes of wood and gold.

  Only this time, her beloved children were ready.

  The great forest rang with screams that night.

  Shrieks that did not stop, echoing throughout every grove in the kingdom, every grandly appointed hedge-maze, every stand of trees, no matter how small, how insignificant. A message had been written in scarlet letters that eve, in the sound of crows cawing in the night breeze, feasting on the spoils of greed and folly. A message that all woodland brethren had dutifully passed on, to those with the ear to listen and the wit to understand.

  Legends had rooted firmly in the soil of the Erovering psyche that night, men forevermore considering the virgin woodlands as yet untouched by the bite of bronze or steel sacred, never daring to trespass again.


  A quiet voice, plaintive, Jess blinked away the odd fugue affecting her, only realizing at that moment how anxious her friends looked, gazing at her so intently.

  Jess rubbed her eyes, dispelling the last of her waking dream, gazing about the wondrous ancient wood all about her with a look of reverence and love.

  “This forest is sacred, you know.” She turned her gentle smile to Raphael, who shuddered and lowered his gaze. “Accords were forged many, many moons ago, Raphael. Oaths that the lords of Erovering would be assured a steady and fruitful bounty of the forest's gifts, so long as they tended those wooded outskirts carefully, and never dared lumber any deeper into the woods than the stone markers placed a hundred paces in from the original outskirts, those pillars crowned with the bones of those who had violated their oaths once before. It was an Accord which the king himself had signed, in ink made from the sap of the great tree and his own blood, more than one of those stone markers placed by his own work-scarred hands."

  Alex gave Jess a bemused tilt of his head. “Just by chance, I know of these accords you speak of, Jess. A pact signed by rulers predating the forging of Erovering, between themselves and a coven of naturalists known as Druids.” Alex paused for significance. “Men and women whom we think might have held the keys to greenmagics, their arts lost to time. Save, of course, for yourself.”

  Jess smiled. “I am no mage, Alex. You know that.”

  Jera smirked. “You just continue to believe that, Jess, while you lead us down your mysterious path, through the heart of woodlands I doubt a single soul has trod before without getting hopelessly lost.”

  “My question, Jess, is how do you know of these accords?” Alex quietly inquired.

  Jacob snorted. "More to the point, what do these ancient accords have to do with trebling the income from sale of hardwood that our families can achieve, with just a bit of regulated forestry? And I've seen some of those old stone markers, Jess. They are hardly a hundred paces deep. Many are just at the outskirts of the wood, so lumbering there is hardly a profitable enterprise. And you have to admit, a nice wide path leading to the capital highroad would be a blessing right about now."

  Jess gazed sadly upon her friend, who for some reason began to shake. “I would expect better from you, Jacob. The very fact that those markers now serve as boundaries demarcating the forest's edge shows just how poorly the woodlands open to Man had been maintained in those areas. The people of Erovering proved to be poor caretakers of the treasures left for their use. Yet so long as they cross not the proscribed boundaries, save to hunt and forage as any other creature would, such folly can be forgiven.” She turned her eyes away, looking upon the wondrous splendor of the wooded canopy arching high overhead, glorying in the play of green-tinted sunlight washing over her. “The first man who dares raise his axe in violation of that sacred treaty will find every root twisted against him, every staff and pole bearing jagged splinters, eager to pierce his flesh. Any chair he sits upon will collapse, sending him spilling to the ground, and the first sliver of wood that pierces his flesh will fester and sicken him from within, and he shall rue the day he ever thought to pick up that bloody, treacherous axe."

  Malek sighed, smacking his lover's shoulder. “Think before you speak, Jacob.”

  Josie shivered. “That's a dark curse to say aloud, Jess.”

  Jess shrugged. "I state only the truth as I feel it to be." She turned to her solemn-faced companions, gazing at her so seriously. "Come, my friends. It's no great mystery. Can't you feel the truth of it, flowing from the root of every tree beneath our steps? Sense the sacred oath between man and wood, alive in every breath of air, fragrant with the scent of bark, loam, and resin, crisp and clean as one could wish for? Can't you see the truth of it all around us, in every tree arching high overhead, so vibrant with life, offering us shade and succor? These woods are sacred. It would be blasphemous to mar them with the cruel marks of man. Better to leave them whole and strong, a barrier of wood and life against the tidings of darkness and Shadow that would elsewise consume us all, before long.”

  Jera shivered. “I wish you wouldn't say such things, Jess.”

  Alex flashed a rueful smile. “She might just be right, you know. Some of our oldest records maintain that the sacred woods of Erovering somehow help to keep the Shadowrealms at bay.” Alex sighed, expression suddenly grim. “Or at least such was the case, in eras past.”

  It was then that Josie began to scream.

  Immediately Jess and Malek, still mounted, unsheathed horse saber and mace, instantly focusing on the source of their shaking friend's distress.

  Jess gave a sad sigh, resecuring her mace, even as Raphael held his shaking lover close. "There there, my love. It will be all right."

  Alex, ever curious, approached the great mound of blooming roses, vibrant with health, yet pale as the moon. They were a curious sight even here in the heart of this ancient forest, explaining what had motivated Josie to dismount and approach, only to see at last what the lush, vibrant mound of flowers had hid at its core. Jess could spot the telltale gleam of bone, even from horseback.

  “It appears someone made their way along this winding path once before, though not successfully, it turns out.” Alex bent down to pick up a saber half buried in the undergrowth, spending a moment to admire the exquisitely forged hilt, before letting out a surprised whistle, turning of a sudden to gaze at Jess speculatively.

  For some reason, Jess found herself wanting to escape her friend's gaze.

  “Even I can tell that this is a fine blade, for all that my sword skills are minimal. There are initials inscribed upon the pommel, as is the custom with lords who have blades personally forged to their specifications. GB.” Alex flashed a grim smile. “Not a scrap of clothing or plant fiber remains, yet this sword is completely unpitted, and so could only have been neglected for a handful of days at most, in surroundings such as these. Yet I have the feeling I already know who this poor lost fool happens to be.”

  Jera grimaced. “Galeck Borson, no doubt. It looks like he won't be getting that chalice, after all.” She turned to Jess. “I won't even ask, Jess. And I don't blame you, either.”

  Jacob looked aghast, gazing with disbelief at the mound before them, then at Jess. “You aren't saying, no! I don't believe it! Jess was with Malek, doing whatever odd ritual druids do to heal the sick...” He blinked. “What exactly did you do, Jess, to heal Malek?”
  Jess felt her heart start to pound, grimacing as a sudden terrible wave of anxiety washed over her, though she could hardly say why. Twilight purred softly, butting his head against her cheek as if to sooth her, though for the moment he seemed content only to observe.

  She cleared her throat, looking for the words, feeling the weight of all her friend's gazes quietly pin her in place. “I don't know,” she said at last. “I only remember waking up after a terrible nightmare.” She began to shake, soothed by Malek's reassuring squeeze. “A nightmare wherein I almost lost the shieldbrother I love.” She beamed at Josie. “Perhaps our healer here is more gifted than she gives herself credit for.”

  Josie gave a rueful shake of her head. "Nice try, Jess, but when I left Malek it was with the terrible certainty that he was done for. I doubted he had even an hour, and that was after I had used your own strength as an anchor, Jess, draining you unmercifully."

  Jess flashed a bemused grin. “I know that already, Josie. I gave you my strength, willingly. The important thing is that our Malek is here once more, safe and whole.” She turned to gaze at the fallen corpse covered in roses, her expression one of soft pity. “I think, whoever that man was, he has paid for his crimes. Perhaps he will find redemption in the next life.”

  She gave an abrupt shake, turning her mount back in the direction that would take them closest to the capital. “Come, my friends. Even if Galeck is out of play, I suspect he is but one player among many who would love to get their hands on that chalice. Time is still of the essence.”

  “I second that," Malek grimaced. "Frankly, I'm getting queasy just looking at that mound of roses, and my stomach is growling. Let's leave this place, and continue on our way."

  The remainder of their journey through the ancient forest passed uneventfully and there was no more talk of cutting down sacred woodlands, much to Jess's relief, her friends warming her heart with words of praise every time she stumbled upon thickets of sun-ripened berries she instantly understood were perfectly edible, often as not beside fresh flowing brooks resulting in happy purrs from her familiar, the party refreshing themselves before continuing on with their journey. No one was overly worried about setting up camp, knowing that come nightfall they would come upon a fortuitous traveler's pine, deadfall, or similar natural shelter, overhanging branches covering a comfortable bed of quills or dry leaves, with plenty of undergrowth nearby for the horses to munch on while their little party lost themselves in slumber.

  Jess, for her part, loved the peaceful sense of oneness that came over her as they spent endless days traveling through the great woodland that grew so wild and vibrant throughout the very heart of Erovering, and her companions were all too happy to savor the spoils of her finds, gorging themselves on fruits and nuts, relaxing as they gazed up at the vast, starry heavens come nightfall. Still, it was with no small measure of relief for most of their party when they emerged from the great forest within sight of the capital road, Raphael recognizing it almost immediately with a cry of delight, everyone heading toward the welcome sight at a gallop. Everyone save for Jess, gazing back at the great forest behind her, missing the soothing comfort of its majestic bowers and secluded glades already.

  Twilight butted his cheek against her own. “Be of good cheer, Jess. Our Hound has recovered, our companions are safe, and we are off on the next leg of our journey. And I do believe the diOnni House will have all sorts of delicacies to savor. I wonder how many ways their head chef can prepare whitefish?”

  Jess sighed. "You enjoyed the forest as much as I did, Twilight. I know for a fact you fished to your heart's content at the brooks by our campsites. I'm just amazed no one else save Malek and Alex made note of all the fish heads."

  Twilight shrugged. “People see only what they are willing to, my Jess. Alex has taken a bold path. He seeks to transcend the surface representations of words and our encompassing reality, striving to understand the heart of all matters, the inner meanings of all things, hoping this will allow him to master the very words of power that he and his mentor believe serve as the cornerstones of all creation.”

  Her familiar gazed reflectively at the great wood behind them. "Their theory is flawed, of course, though it does hold sufficient grains of insight so as to allow the boldest and bravest among them to learn great and terrible things indeed. It is only a matter of time, however, before our poor Alex catches glimpse of a true thing so terrible that it will shake him to his core, at which point I fear he will be unable to endure the truth of this reality and the horrors all around us, which, let's be honest, is for the best, really. There are some things these fragile souls really weren't meant to know."

  “Come on, Jess! Quick dragging your toes. Time is of the essence, and the wood isn't going anywhere!”

  Jess looked up at Malek giving her an exasperated wave, and with a sigh increased Mercy's walk to a trot, finding her momentary melancholy replaced by awe as they crested the rise together and caught a glimpse of the capital city, in all its wonder and glory below.


  Enclosed by a great protective wall as high and thick as to be found anywhere in the kingdom, fortified with battlements and crenellations without peer in the known world, the capital was the crown jewel of Erovering, and the envy of any visiting dignitary. What was not as well known was the fact that it was not the result of any feat of engineering that Erovering's citizenry could take credit for. For the city entire had been discovered by explorers centuries ago, the original builders lost to time. This Jess knew already from her studies. What she did not expect was the breathtaking splendor as the evening sun sparkled against the alabaster whiteness of the massive walls, constructed of a shimmering stone of surpassing strength and hardness only to be found near the capital itself. A stone that had also been used to construct the many palatial structures built near the heart of the city, their perfectly polished copper and bronze domes flashing brilliantly in the light of the setting sun, even as the tall adjoining minarets reached for the heavens, each building an exquisite conjoining of architecture and sheer artistry.

  Even from that distance Jess could make out the telltale green of gardens and parks dotting the city, recalling at that moment that the royal palace boasted the grandest gardens in all of Erovering, the king himself being a fan of the horticultural arts, his one concession to beauty, all other pursuits solely dedicated to the ruling of his realm. He was credited for the training and equipage of what was considered the finest fighting force on the continent, after all, the very thought of which caused Jess to swell with a certain shared pride, having trained so long herself to be counted among the best of those elite forces.

  She noted her shieldbrother's expression, eyes shining in awe as he gazed at the capital of their nation, and squeezed his hand, knowing exactly how he felt.

  “This is it, Jess,” Malek's voice trembled with emotion. “What we've trained so long and hard for, to protect Her, the crown jewel of our nation.”

  Jess smiled and nodded in wordless agreement.

  “She is a wonder, is she not?” Raphael added reverently. “Come, my friends! Let us make our way to the diOnni compound with all haste, for I would see you all properly rested and attired, as befitting honored guests, and my closest friends.”

  “Oh, you will love it, Jess. I just know it!" Josie declared animatedly, gazing at the city below. "Raphael's family is so kind, and the House servitors so gracious and attentive to your every need."

  She sighed as Raphael gently squeezed her from behind. “Not every need, my love.” Josie blushed at this, even as her friends grinned with approval.

  “It is a most romantic spot,” Jera allowed. “I take it you two normally arrive by ferry?”

  Josie nodded. "By the main river, of course. There are several well-appointed barges that cater to noble clientele. It is the easiest route to the capital, after all, since the high road just runs alongside it."

  Jacob smirked. “Yes, since no lord dare cut a path to the capital direct
ly, lest Jess or some other Druid throw a fit and turn him into a corpse bed for roses.”

  Alex lifted an eyebrow. “Really, Jacob, was that called for?”

  Jess flushed, at a complete loss for words, abruptly pulling ahead of their group, her ears burning as her friends continued to speak in hushed whispers.

  “That was in poor taste, Jacob,” Raphael said.

  “Bloody hells, Jacob! Ever since I recovered, you've been sniping at Jess. Are you that damn jealous? In whose arms did I sleep last night, but your own?”

  “Fine. Take her side!" Jacob snapped, "you always do! Even a fool can see you care for her more than I. I'm surprised you even bother sleeping with me and not the hero of our little foray, unless it is out of pity. Is that it, Malek?"

  Jess cringed with the ringing sound of a smack, turning around despite her resolve not to, to find Jacob on the ground, gazing up at Malek in shock, Malek himself looking both furious and horrified, the imprint of his hand clearly upon his lover's cheek.

  “Jacob, I...”

  “Don't touch me!" Jacob hissed, smacking away his lover's hand before stumbling back to his feet and remounting his mare. He turned for one last glower at Jess. "Go ahead, be the hero! Take Malek, for all I care. He obviously loves you best. He always has!" He spat the last as a curse, sobbing, riding at full speed for the capital below.

  “By the gods!” Malek softly cursed, making ready to follow, Alex putting his hand on the larger man's shoulder with a soft shake of his head.

  “Don't, Malek. Whatever Jacob's going through, it's best to just let him cool off. Talk some sense into him later, when his passions aren't burning so bright.”

  Malek grimaced. “I only pray to the gods he doesn't do something stupid. His combat skills are nonexistent, and a swordsman would butcher him before he got off a single garbled spell.”

  “And for all that, he's a noble," Alex soothed. "And this is the capital. Outside an agreed upon duel, any commoner who bares steel to one of noble blood is guilty of a hanging offense as you well know, and in the capital? As well patrolled as it is? I honestly think he could stumble into the most disreputable part of that city, dressed as finely as he is, and no one would dare do more than cut his purse."