Oblivion's Queen Page 27
Freshly recovered from their last foray into Shadow, Malek laughing by her side, both of them admiring their new blades even as the duke waxed on about the virtues of Jess's new garden, Jess felt more at peace than she had for as long as she could remember, happily admiring the beautiful sanctuary before her in the heart of the ancient city, a world apart from the hustle and bustle just a short distanced away, covered with wildflowers, roses, and tulips in a riot of color with scents sweet and fragrant enough to make her swoon, artfully arranged so as to appear wild and free of the care of man. The famed diOnni gardens, now hers, seamlessly adjoining the Royal Gardens in what appeared one grand whole.
"Not surprising, really. The royal gardeners are the ones who arrange our garden the same as they do the king's own adjoining lands," Raphael had explained when Malek noted on how well the adjoining lands seamlessly blended into one semi-wild whole, in the heart of the most populous city in all of Erovering.
The duke, of course, had been too wise to do other than compromise with grace when overtures were made to acquire all the lands surrounding the king's courtyard, Raphael explained, the duke offering the royal gardeners free reign to landscape his property as they saw fit as a compromise to selling, so long as his greenhouses were left undisturbed. And as it cost the Crown nothing, his request was acceded to, to everyone's benefit. The duke had free reign to visit his property and gaze upon the most impressive gardens in all of Erovering whenever the mood struck him, and was freed of the cost of upkeep of all save his own greenhouses, which Jess was impressed to find were, in fact, stocked with any number of cuttings from her own family demesne, Raphael smiling with good humor when he personally toured her through them.
“You see, Jess? Josie and I did not lie when we said we would make good use of the cuttings and flowers you gave us every year, for all that they are not quite so exquisitely fine as your own personally grown collection of exotics and healing herbs, a situation which perhaps you will see fit to remedy, as these greenhouses are now, in fact, your own.”
Jess grinned in delight, gazing at the carefully tended medicinal herbs, intuitively sensing just what changes to soil and shading were needed to allow for optimal growth for all her little seedlings. She nibbled on a leaf of peppermint, enjoying the cleansing of her palate after a most savory afternoon repast with her beloved friends.
It was, all in all, a wonderful day, as peaceful and fair as any she could have hoped for, she thought, even as the afternoon turned crimson with the setting sun, the golden dome of the royal palace glowing like a fiery jewel in the distance, perfectly seen from the greenhouse door she gazed from, still in awe that these beautiful lands adjoining the royal gardens were actually hers, and this wonderful view was one she could cherish for a lifetime, as often as she liked.
She shook her head and sighed even as Malek gently wrapped her in his protective arms, enjoying the view by her side, understanding at last the fascination Krona had for her mother and sister both. For this view alone she could fall in love with Krona, she thought, to say nothing of the chance to work in the magnificent greenhouses that Jess just knew had been designed with her in mind.
All in all, she thought it a magnificent end to a glorious day, a sweet contrast to the tension and desperation that had infected them all for so long. For all that they had yet to discover the whereabouts of Pomell, at least some of the serpents aligned against them had been struck down, and perhaps they could allow themselves a brief bit of respite, free of all care or worry, until it was time to travel forth once more.
“I like your thinking, Jess,” Malek grinned when she shared her thoughts, the pair of them, freshly groomed and clothed, looking every inch the noble heroes they were, Josie had teasingly assured; their mail shirts tucked discretely under Highrock uniforms adorned with double crossed blades and the diOnni pins denoting their status as heroes of the duchy, for those who understood its significance. “And I agree, 'tis quite the most splendid sunset, gazing upon the king's own palace, surrounded by peaceful gardens, here in the very heart of the capital.” He allowed himself a soft chuckle. “I'll bet the estate he granted you is easily worth ten thousand gold crowns, Jess.”
Jess froze at the thought. It was a ridiculous sum. “And how much has our patron blessed you with, Malek?”
Malek shrugged, grinning still. "I didn't ask. Truth is, I don't even want to know. Don't get me wrong, I thank all the gods that it's there for me, but that being said, I want to be my own man, gain my own fortune through adventure and Delving, or fighting for king and country, as the case may be. My fortune, or at least enough to get by. Who knows? Maybe after this mad quest for wand and chalice, assuming we survive it, you and I will just pack up and head west. We'll explore the heart of our glorious continent, see what the world has to offer beyond our own nation's shores."
“A bold sentiment, young Squire, but well befitting a Delver just coming into his powers, I suppose,” opined a melodious voice, Jess gasping and turning about, blade raised without thought to behold a young man of fair, even beautiful complexion, blessed with rich blond locks that shimmered in the setting sun like the palace itself, and kind, hazel eyes. He smiled, raising his hands peaceably enough.
Jess instantly lowered her sword and bowed her head. There was no mistaking that this young man was of considerable means, and Alex's own grim tale notwithstanding, she sensed not a trace of malice from him, and chose to trust her sense of these things once more. “Forgive us, kind sir. You startled us. My name is Jessica de Calenbry. And this, my brother Malek de Sousel.”
The young man raised a curious brow. “Siblings, yet of different Houses?”
“Shieldsiblings. Brother and sister of the blade,” Malek clarified.
The young man grinned and bowed, the picture of artful grace. "Please, call me Joshua. It is a fine pleasure to meet you both." He turned and smiled at Jess once more. Her heart skipped a beat. There was something about him. A gentleness to his smile. His tender gaze, perhaps.
"I was hoping that at least one of you would recognize me, but it was some time ago, and not in the best of circumstances."
And Jess gasped, realizing she did indeed know this youth, or at least his face. "You had visited me in the Healers Wing at Highrock. After my bout with one of the guests that Lord Eloquin was hosting."
The youth nodded solemnly. “Indeed. Even then I realized there was something remarkable about you, young Jess. Even then I hoped we could be friends.”
Jess smiled, oddly charmed by this unusually forward young man. "I would like that," she allowed, even as Malek gave her hand a protective squeeze.
The young man nodded his pleasure, seeming not at all perturbed by their armed presence. Jess noticed as well the blade he wore by his side, a quality longsword, though he appeared unarmored.
Jess sensed he was not alone, however, by the rustle of the trees, half a dozen men some polite distance off, yet utterly focused on the youth before them, able to hear him clearly even through the foliage between them.
Jess turned to gaze at the duke whose expression was curiously blank, polite smile firmly in place.
Jess grinned. “Care to watch the sunset with us?” She sat down upon the woolen blanket laid out, gesturing for the young man to join her. With a pleased smile, he did, Jess doing her best to welcome him to their gathering, Alex and Jera quickly making their own introductions, for all that Josie and Raphael dipped their heads with deferential cordiality, as if already well acquainted with the youth before them.
“I do hope we can all do away with titles this eve, and enjoy the sunset and perhaps a flask of wine I brought as a guest to your table and your gardens, dear Jessica and friends.”
Jess smiled and nodded, Malek chuckling softly.
“Joshua it is, then, for this eve, at least. Well met, Joshua. Call me Malek.”
Malek held out his hand, the young man shaking it in earnest, and as simple as that, he was part of their group, partaking of wine, food, and good hu
mor, everyone enjoying the evening together as the crimson sun was replaced by a brilliant silver moon, bright and full as Jess could ask for, all of them sharing food, comradeship, and laughter well into the night, all thoughts of rank forgotten until the moon reached its zenith, the duke himself gently suggesting that it was time for all to retire.
“A wondrous day, was it not?” Jess sighed with a smile, snug against Malek as the carriage rode them back to the diOnni manor, her shieldbrother nodding in agreement.
"Indeed it was. We needed this, Jess, a time to rest and rejuvenate before we pick up our quest once more."
Those words stayed with her as she readied for bed, and she wondered what sweet adventures the capital would have for her on the morrow, sinking softly into sleep, her last thoughts of a certain mysterious youth with the kindest of smiles, eyes gazing so intently into her own.
Jess slept deep and well that night, awakening with a yawn and a smile, spending some moments just enjoying the feel of the luxurious downy mattress she lay upon. She reflected bemusedly that there certainly was something to be said for being a member of one of the most powerful trading families in Erovering.
And just for a moment, it was there.
Memories of a dream, already fading away in the drowsy mist laden forests of her mind's eye, gently pushed away. A young girl, pale silken hair, beautiful hazel eyes, wide with terror.
Choking back a scream.
And then it was gone.
Her breath hitched, Jess feeling a sudden weight upon her chest. She opened her eyes wide, sighing with relief to behold the measuring gaze of a certain cat licking ebony fur that dazzled with a subtle shimmer, one that in the right light looked almost like distant stars twinkling in the midnight sky.
Twilight smirked. “I see we are awake at last. Good.”
Jess pouted. “Thanks to a certain cat who saw fit to use me as his grooming perch this morning.
Her cat looked back unapologetically. “Why don't you get dressed, Jess. And fully kitted up, at that. There is something I'd like you to see.”
Grimacing, Jess did just that, doing her best to control the sudden anxiety she felt coursing through her. She quickly dressed herself in quilted gambeson and lamellar armor, her shimmering mithril hauberk protecting her from wrists to knees donned last of all.
Jess smiled at the duke's thoughtfulness, noting a fresh pair of rawhide boots with bronze greaves as fine as the pair she had before, and a perfect fit at that. Her bronze plated gauntlets and helm, of course, she would not bother equipping until they were on the road once more. “What do you think, Twilight?” Jess queried, admiring herself in the mirror for a few brief seconds. “Dashing paladin of Justice, no?”
Twilight smirked. "You look like a nobleman's daughter playing dress-up, Jess. Save your eyes alone which show the force of your will. A good thing, really. It is always best when people underestimate us, after all, and anyone who recognizes the significance of your double crossed blade pin or your medal of virtue showing you a feted knight of the diOnni duchy would be too prudent to cross you lightly, in any case. Now don your surcoat so we cover our priceless artifact, strap on your blade, and follow me."
Suppressing a growing sense of anxiety, Jess did just that, politely ignoring the curious looks of various servitors as she made her way down the convoluted if elegantly appointed hallways of the diOnni manor, following a grim looking familiar only she could see.
A short time later Jess surprised her companions, racing into the dining hall, getting more than one curious stare as she was the only one of them fully armored, the rest wearing comfortable looking morning attire as they enjoyed their repast.
“Jess, is something wrong?" Raphael asked politely, his father pausing in his conversation with Josie regarding the best places to visit in the capital upon seeing his guest's troubled gaze.
“Lady de Calenbry, hero of my house. It pleases me more than words can say how you delighted in your gardens the evening past, yet here you are, fully kitted out once more, as if for battle. Is aught amiss?" Duke diOnni politely inquired, his suddenly troubled gaze belying the levity of his words. Jess suddenly had no doubt that should she raise the hue and cry of alarm the duke would follow her lead without question, regardless of the disparities in their age and station.
“Jess, what's wrong?" Her shieldbrother immediately sprung from his seat with a quick bow to his host as he strode to Jess's side. "Jess, what is it?" Malek's voice was filled with sudden concern.
Jess squeezed the hand of her closest friend who tried not to wince, even as her eyes searched for Alex's own. He alone looked slightly distant, preoccupied, even as the rest of their companions had seemed alight with good cheer and the unburdening of all cares, still reveling in the wondrous picnic of the day before; Josie, flowing effortlessly into her role as an experienced lady of the capital, already making animated plans for the day ahead.
“Did you see it?" was all Jess asked.
Lips pursed in consternation, Alex looked away, though giving the faintest of nods.
“Then you know.”
Alex sighed and shook his head, flashing Jess a bleak smile.
Jera gazed at her lover reproachfully. “What is it, Alex? I can tell you've been preoccupied by something all morning. I thought it was, well,” she flushed, looking suddenly self-conscious. “Anyway, if something is going on, why didn't you tell me?”
Alex gazed at Jera sadly. "I had wanted us to at least enjoy our breakfast together, with good company, free of care." He turned to Jess then. "I take it Twilight showed you the clouds?"
“Yes, Alex. Twilight showed me the clouds.” Jess turned to gaze at her smug looking familiar, even at that moment making his way for the table.
“I told you he was a perceptive one,” Twilight allowed, sapphire eyes alighting upon the diligently prepared tuna steak with a contented purr.
Strange, Jess thought, how everyone looked away without even be aware of their doing so as Twilight avidly claimed his prize, dragging the steak in entirety under the table and stuffing himself quite contentedly, favoring his mistress with a pleased grin. “There are compensations for our being heroes of the diOnni House, after all, my mistress.”
Jess couldn't help chuckling, curiously certain that her familiar's antics were as much to lighten her mood as out of hunger itself, before turning her eyes back to Alex. “If you and Jera wish to remain behind, my friend, I do understand. You've both already done more than enough.”
Duke diOnni raised a curious eyebrow. “I must say, Lady Jess, my curiosity is certainly piqued. Perhaps you and our young Lord de Velice could clarify what exactly is the nature of these mysterious events that are troubling you both so?”
“That's what I'd like to know,” Malek grumbled.
Alex bowed his head. "I believe what Jess and her familiar are referring to is the great bank of dark clouds to the northwest."
Jess grimaced and nodded. “Exactly.”
Josie gazed from one to the other. “What are you talking about? I know you are a talented weathermage, Alex. Do you sense a dangerous storm heading our way?”
Alex flashed a mirthless smile. “Storms indeed, dearest Josie. But not the kind you are thinking of.”
Jess shook her head. “It's Pomell. The storms are over Pomell.”
Duke diOnni blinked. "And all this time, Alex and our friend Lute working so diligently for even a trace of a clue as to the location of this Pomell, all to no avail. Am I to infer that you now both sense its location?" He gave a rueful smile at the grim-faced nods he received in turn. "I was wondering why young Velice was looking so grim this morning, girding himself for some declaration of import. And now it appears that both of you have been struck by the same revelation near simultaneously. As if destiny itself had declared the hour of Pomell's rediscovery."
Jess grimaced and nodded. "Precisely, Your Grace. And if Twilight is right, that storm is no natural phenomenon." The table entire fell silent
, breathless. "The elements themselves are rebelling, but it is a storm of Shadow, not easily spotted by those without the ability to stride realms adjoining our own." Jess caught Josie's trembling gaze, even as Raphael squeezed her close. "That is why you see nary a cloud in the sky, Josie. But make no mistake, a rift is forming, one that will eventually tear a great big hole in the fabric of reality leading directly to realms of dream... and nightmare."
The Duke gave a slow nod. “And I take it that, unlike holes in reality that only a Delver could follow, this rift is a far more dangerous affair.”
Alex nodded. "That is correct, my lord. This was our true fear all along, what with the Chalice and Wand being used in unison. For whether or not there is any truth to the ancient fable they seek to bring to fruition, with both of those artifacts in play at the same time, a rift of terrible properties will almost certainly from." Alex cleared his throat. "Imagine that our beloved Dawn with its rolling hills and valleys, its beautiful oceans and sunsets, was in one sense no thicker than the thinnest piece of parchment. A map, if you will, tightly stretched and clamped. Then imagine someone placing a heavy lead weight in the center of the map. What would happen?"
Josie grimaced. “The parchment would give and tear, of course.”
“Precisely,” Alex nodded. “Now imagine that said map of parchment was actually the hull of our ship. What would happen then?”
Josie and Jera both paled at the thought, Duke diOnni himself looking decidedly ill at ease.
Raphael nodded. "For it is one thing if adventurers are able to slip into the collective memories of a forgotten era, searching for lost lore and artifacts of wonder, like divers jumping off the prow of a ship in search of treasure amidst barely seen wrecks below. Quite another thing entirely, however, when the realm of dream itself breaches our fragile world, like the hull of a ship ruptured in the middle of an ocean voyage as Alex suggests, threatening to flood us all in darkest Shadow." Raphael sighed. "Particularly if such was formed with the aid of infernal artifacts."