Oblivion's Queen Page 23
Jess beheld countless demons reveling and cavorting as they fed upon a banquet of flesh torn free of staked souls, eaten raw or ripped off in crisp chunks from those victims impaled upon spits roasting over hellfire. Ever regenerating even as they screamed and writhed, those souls were carefully kept in perpetual torment, their pain yet further display for the pleasure of Hell's vile peerage, pictures of hideous beauty or sublime horror, those Fallen Angels who had cast off their blackened wings millennium ago, now the aristocracy of Hell.
Inconceivably hideous as they all were, one among them radiated a beauty and vileness beyond that of any other present, favoring those who dared to address her with the most terrible of smiles, promising absolute bliss and screams eternal, all at once.
That demoness alone seemed cognizant of the intruder, gazing back at her with a look that froze Jess beyond all the inconceivable horrors already thrust upon her mind's eye, even as she fought to awaken from the nightmare that consumed her.
Queen of Hell.
The mad laughter was echoing endlessly, even as dark tendrils of shadow began to flow from Lilith to all corners of that nightmarish castle, her many monstrous guests feasting so ravenously upon souls in torment now screaming themselves as that hideous shadow touched them, cries choked off in desperate gurgles as they began to dissolve. Darkest rites turned to shrieking howls and cackles in awful counterpoint to the ever-present screams as, one by one, suffering souls and now panicked demons were consumed by Lilith's terrible hunger. As if she was now an echo of the Void itself.
Jess screamed
The vile queen smiled.
“No, my child. It is not I who shall embrace the Void. It is not I who shall consume the universe entire. That gift belongs to another.”
She raised her ruby glass to Jess even as the last of the demon lords and lost souls alike screamed and burned to ash, Lilith smiling in ecstatic bliss as all their dark powers rushed into her own quivering form. When she next open her eyes, gazing upon a transfixed Jess, they were burning embers.
That face.
Hauntingly familiar. Unspeakably beautiful. A face she had seen before, even as she dueled in the body of a child who had died a thousand years ago, heiress to an empire long fallen to ruin, fighting to reclaim a soul fallen to the wiles of Discordia before fleeing for all she was worth, the moment the battle had been won.
She whom Twilight had warned was her greatest adversary.
Most reviled and feared queen of Hell, saluting Jess once more, blood-filled chalice in hand.
Even as Jess felt herself slowly slip away to welcome blackness, those hideous glowing embers were the last thing she saw.
Jess!” A loud crack, Jess grimacing in sudden pain, blinking herself awake to see a panicked Malek standing over her, his gaze one of horror and relief in equal measure as Jess slowly shook herself awake.
“Lady Calenbry, are you all right?” A voice filled with concern, for all that she had never met the owner before this night. Lute, the bard.
Jess gave a slow, hesitant nod. “Weariness had started to claim me, but now? I've never felt more awake.” And it was true. Raw panic was filling her. Desperate, she knew they had to do something, even as the last traces of their enemies fled from their grasp like grains of sand held too tightly.
The bard nodded. “Good. Unusual as it is to say, 'tis not time for you to let sleep claim you, Jessica de Calenbry. For I fear this night's adventures have only begun.”
Jess grimaced and nodded, her tactician's senses immediately coming to the fore. "Our other enemies are dead, or lost to Shadow. If we are to find any leads, we must ambush the diOnni manor now, before our foes realize just how far their fortunes have reversed, and flee before we are able to interrogate them."
Lute smiled grimly. “You understand the right of it well enough, Lady Calenbry. For if what we fear is to come to pass, the ramifications would be nothing short of catastrophic.”
The bard turned then, formally bowing to Lord Velice and Duke diOnni, his genial manner of but moments before transformed, somehow, to the demeanor of one who knew what it meant to command. “Time grows short, my lords. With every hour that passes, our peril grows.”
All panicked conversation stopped, the table gazing at the bard in breathless silence. “We need to act with all haste. If we cannot seize the diOnni Household and hold fast to what clues are present, however faint, our peril will only grow.”
Malek cursed. “Bloody hells, we should be scouring Lord Fal's residence as well, and we don't have the men for that.”
"No need to worry on that account, Del Malek," the bard assured.
Malek blinked, smiling ruefully. “Now things are so serious that even the Guild is willing to show its hand?”
Lute's expression was grim. “We shall scout out Lord Fal's demesne. Your party has already done much to clean the rot from that place. If gold alone assures us proper assistance, then gold it shall be.”
Jess nodded in instant understanding. Gold for those who cooperated. And if people needed to disappear to effect a proper search of the Fal residence, then those people would be no more. The time for cautious maneuverings had passed. With the wand and chalice both in play, the stakes were now far too high for games.
Jess turned to face a grim-faced Duke diOnni, dipping her head as if to her commanding officer before giving her counsel. "As we have bribed half of Lord Fal's men to serve us, the other half no doubt making themselves scarce for fear of the king's pyres or gallows, one nest of serpents has been dealt with.” Gone was the awkward girl caught between a knight's passion and a woman's desire. Jess spoke with the cold authority of a commander determined to see her mission through. “Our objective now is retaking the manor, Your Grace, where guilty parties may yet be caught unawares. But time grows short. Our enemies have nothing to lose in fighting to their last breath, as the price for their folly is death. A clean strike from our blades is no doubt easier to face than the king's justice for betraying a greater lord's very sanctum. So we should expect to fight with quarter neither asked for nor given, once steel is bared. Still, it is to our benefit if we can thin our enemy's ranks. One might think it prudent to give all parties a chance to surrender and plead ignorance.”
Jess flashed a cold smile. “Let them think us gullible, when they surrender and are disarmed. Once the compound is secure, then we can interrogate those who yielded, and find out who is truly innocent and who is but a serpent in our midst.”
Duke diOnni sighed, every bit as grim-faced as the bard. "The rot runs deep, I fear. You are right, Jessica. It will not be a bloodless retaking, for all that a fair number of my men are still loyal to me, having no idea of the foulness underneath us. Shame on them and me both, I suppose."
Malek shook his head. “By all the gods, how did the house of the savviest lord in Krona get so infected with this diabolic rot?”
The duke's smile was bleak. “Rest assured, young Sousel, I very much plan on ascertaining that very fact, before the sun next sets.”
Jess frowned, for her brother-in-arms spoke almost as if he were deep in his cups, yet he looked as alert and ready for battle as he ever did. And yes, false dawn was already upon them. If they were to take the diOnni compound under cover of darkness, they had little time.
Jess blinked then, surprised and heartened to feel Raphael's arms gently around her. "Lest anyone forget, we are only having this conversation because you and Malek had the courage to enter the very jaws of Hell to effect our rescue," Raphael declared, before wrapping a surprised Malek in a fierce hug as well. "Act the charming lush all you like, dearest Malek! For if you are drunk on Shadow's wine, it was only from sharing cups with Death himself and rolling the dice for our souls that got you that way.”
Malek blinked, an awkward smile coming across his features as he gently clasped Raphael's shoulder. “Perhaps I spoke out of turn.”
Raphael chuckled. “Before yo
u stormed that pit of Hell, risking your very lives outfoxing those bastards and effecting our rescue, I had begged the very Heavens for succor. I suppose that makes you and Jess our angels.” Raphael's grin was equal parts humor and heartfelt gratitude. “I will never forget what you two did for us. Never."
Alex said, “Had your familiar not warned you, Jess, the vermin at the manor would have sprung their trap on all of us. I suspect we all owe you our lives, when you get right down to it.”
Duke diOnni favored them both with a fatherly smile. “My House owes both of you a debt I can scarce fathom, let alone repay. You have delivered us safely from our enemies and into the camp of beloved allies. You may always feel free to speak your mind, young Malek, and I will begrudge not your choice of words, knowing as I do what you risked and sacrificed for our sake.” The duke's warm smile suddenly hardened. “As for my own House, my own men, their treachery I am not so willing to forgive.”
"Nor should you, Your Grace," Lord Velice concurred. "Please know that until such time as your own residence is secured, my House is at your disposal."
The duke dipped his head in gratitude. “For that I thank you, Lord Velice.”
The bard nodded in approval. “Loyal friends and companions. The heart of any Delver's greatest strength. I can only hope that we can secure your compound before the day's end. Both for our own sakes, and your security as well, Your Grace.”
Malek turned to Jess. “We could always go back to the compound, goad any of those rats to capture us if they dare, and whoever takes the bait, we cut down with all fury and fervor. Any others? You give them a good look.”
Jess grinned, the bard nodding his approval as well. "I like that plan, brother mine," Jess said. "Bait and butchery, just like our master taught."
The duke gazed thoughtfully at Jess. “I don't suppose you would recognize the voices of those who you had mentioned hearing as you made your escape, as recorded in young Alex's transcription of the events of this eve?”
Jess nodded. "I would, Your Grace."
"Excellent. First thing is for us to rally those we know we can trust." He turned his solemn gaze to Lord Velice. "I don't suppose I could borrow some of your house retinue for a short time?"
The man dipped his head. "Of course, Your Grace. As you see fit."
Alex nodded. “I shall of course be there to assist.”
His father pressed his lips in unspoken consternation.
Alex smiled. "Don't worry, Father. Samual has made it clear he too would like to see justice done, and neither of us shall be in danger from enemy missiles, I promise you that." He shared a quiet smile at that, even as Samual bowed low before Jess.
“Jessica de Calenbry, is it? My brother speaks very highly of you. And thank you for saving his hide, by the way.”
Jess smiled, feeling her cheeks flush, for some reason. Samual, she thought, had very pretty eyes. Of palest blue, like a newborn babe, set in a face strong and sure. She blinked as Samual grinned back, chuckling softly, and Jess flushed, realizing that her hand had begun to stroke his cheek almost of its own accord.
“Jess!” Josie looked away in embarrassment, even as her other friends smiled.
Christoff chuckled as well. "And of course, I am joining you all on this madcap venture as a Royal Battlemage, for I do fear that this infernal rot may threaten Krona herself. Come, let us retake the good duke's home, and ascertain the location of these diabolists while we are at it!”
Quickly Jess turned about to face Lord Velice, bowing her head as she had for the duke. "We will do our best to keep your sons and nephew safe, my lord. And don't worry. Arrows and polearms are not something you need to worry about."
Samual gazed curiously at Jess, Alex was smiling, as was Christoff.
The lord of the house gazed solemnly at the duke, before giving the slightest of nods. “Very well. My men, my nephew, and my sons you shall have at your disposal. Please hold sacred the trust I give.”
The duke bowed to his waist, a humbling show of gratitude for one of his station. “I shall treat their lives as sacred as my own, Lord Velice.”
Malek nodded. “Peripheral support only. Should trouble hit, Jess and I shall take point, should such be acceptable, Lord Velice.”
Lord Velice raised his brows at this.
“They are Squires of War under General Eloquin,” Alex whispered to his sire.
The man dipped his head. “So be it. May your mission proceed free of casualty.”
Fist to heart, Jess saluted the man. “I shall do my best, sir.”
The bard smiled. "Do not be surprised if reinforcements should come to assist. Here is the sign they will show so that you know they are on our side, so to speak." Instantly Jess smiled and nodded, recognizing the ancient military sign. The duke and Alex nodded as well. Malek grunted, doing his best to commit it to memory before turning once more to Jess.
“Well then, shieldsister, shall we be off?”
In short order Jess found herself in charge of a dozen men equipped with small shields and arming swords, as well equipped as they could be in the capital city and stay within the king's ordnance, though the duke was already certain any number of uncomfortable questions would come out in the days ahead. "First things first, Jess. Do the troops meet with your approval?"
Having already spoken to each of the men under her command and gotten the answers she had hoped for, she nodded in the affirmative. "I believe they shall be acceptable, Your Grace."
“Very good,” he nodded. “Much to my shame, perhaps, I have accepted Lord Velice's offer of accommodations for Raphael and Josie. My son is many things, but a seasoned soldier he is not, and Lord Velice himself assured he would feel better if his sons had two less people to worry about,” he sighed. “Understand, dear Jess, that despite the stakes involved, the first and most important order is to assure that none of you children perish in this venture. Maneuvering and words shall be our primary weapons. Only when young Alex, Johann, and Samual are safely in position so as to assure they will take no harm will I be comfortable using them, in any case.”
Jess nodded as the manor came into view, a beautiful contrast to the tree-lined boulevard as the sun gently crested overhead, a sight that moved Jess, for all that the moment was dire.
And within moments they were in position, Malek and Jess already having a sense of the men under their command. Though it was a basic wedge formation they used, the Velice men had trained for it, and in the face of battle it was often best to use the formation their men knew well. Jess and Malek took point, the men to either side, Jess grimly confident that such a small group of men would be more than safe from any arrow or spear. She had trained to guard far larger strike forces than this small band, after all.
It was a direct approach that was called for, grappling rope and discrete maneuvering assuring that the wall was clear and the ledge wide enough for Alex's relatives to comfortably perch, even as Alex took a periphery position far to the rear, in clear sight of the gate and manor beyond when it opened, Jess well aware that climbing was not one of Alex's strengths.
Johann and Samual had laughed to Jess's recounting of their earlier escape, assuring that, unlike Alex, they would be more than able to cast spells with feet braced upon the wall, and so long as Jess could ward them from arrow until their own windwall was established, they would be as safe as could be, easily able to slide off and slip away, should significant forces rush them despite their protective magics. They also made sure the signals were in place for lightning strikes, wind and fire, both of them well aware of commander's code from their own training as royal battlemages.
With their arcane reinforcements secure, Jess boldly approached the front gate, the Duke but feet behind her.
“In the name of the duke! Open at once!” Jess roared.
Utter silence. No response. Jess grinned, turning to the duke. “There are two ways we can proceed. One, we destroy it; two, you have the key.”
The duke chu
ckled softly, eyes alight with a certain fire, for all that he appeared the picture of perfect self-control. “As much as I reveled in seeing your absolute mastery of my direst foes, I have spent enough in bribes this evening, and so would prefer to forgo the cost of an entirely new gate. Please, allow me.” At which point the duke revealed his master key with a flourish, and it was nothing for Jess and Malek to wrench free and spread wide the double gate, only appreciating how massive an affair it was after the fact, as the metal screeched against the fine cobblestones at their feet.
“By the gods, sister, how strong I feel!” Malek's voice could barely contain his awe, opening and closing his hands with a look akin to amazement.
Jess allowed herself a quick fierce smile before clenching and dropping her fist, Malek immediately springing into battle mode, scouting their enemy's den with much the same intensity as she was.
“Bloody hells, those fools have actually holed up here. They must know they are doomed,” Malek said, pointing to multiple crossbow nests.
Jess gave a curt nod. “Good eye. One of Lord Fal's more corrupt men must have alerted them. Still, they are fools not to have fled immediately.”
Malek shrugged. “Unless Lords Fal, Veitsi, and Soldner were not the only members of this so called 'Dark Council' involved in this bit of intrigue.”
“Now there's a chilling thought,” Lord diOnni allowed, gazing speculatively at his manor. “What leverage could those diabolists possibly have on my men that would compel them to take one last stand?”
And Jess felt it. Carefully aimed, meticulously prepared. The crossbows? But a diversion. Dark whispers heard skittering in realms hideous and foul, a sudden weight upon her soul. Faster than conscious thought she withdrew her blade, cheek stinging of a sudden as her sword whipped about in a tight arc she was only aware of after the fact, crying out as a wave of hideous magics roared through the courtyard, crashing against the fierce, brilliant white ember of her blade.