Oblivion's Queen Page 11
Raphael gazed at Jess sympathetically. "Fear not, Jess. I shall see that that rogue of a noble meets his comeuppance as soon as I am able to put a name to the face. For the moment, I will only caution you to still the rage I sense simmering within you even now. Be at ease. And Jess? They may ask you to bind your blades with silk ribbons when you enter the Scholarium. I am sure you know what this means."
Jess grimaced and nodded, sharing a glance with her shieldbrother. They were both aware of this practice at many schools, and as a matter of prudence, Eloquin had taught them all clever knots that could be released in but a moment, if one had the trick of it, and knew just where to pull.
“We will meet you back at the manor once we discover what we need to know,” Malek assured Raphael as his footmen led him and a still sobbing Josie back home, Jess and her shieldbrother collecting themselves, sharing a nod, and heading once more to the massive structure that shimmered brilliantly in the sun, blinking for but a moment to adjust their eyes when they headed inside, doing their best to avoid the stares and murmurs that followed them just by association with the fatal duel that had occurred but moments before.
“Are you two students?” Asked an officious looking man dressed in a uniform gray and no doubt an employee of the Scholarium. “I have not seen either of you before.”
Jess smiled, showing him the diOnni signet ring. “We are guests of Duke diOnni and were, in fact, expecting a tour. Unfortunately, unforeseen events occurred just outside as you may already know, and so we were bid to tour your fine institution under our own agency with the understanding that we would be welcome guests.”
The employee blinked, gazing suspiciously at the signet ring before a rather harried looking man quickly walked over to them. Upon seeing the ring, he immediately broke into a wide grin. “Guests of one of our most beloved patrons. Welcome! Welcome to our fine school. Are you prospective students by chance, or merely wish to admire our facilities? Either way, we are more than happy to welcome you to our fine institution. Please, make yourselves comfortable. Shoemaker, would you be so kind as to see to refreshments for our guests?”
The man addressed as Shoemaker blinked once before bowing low to his superior and dipping his head as well to Malek and Jess both. “At once, sir. Welcome to the Scholarium, gentle sirs. I shall see to a tray being prepared at once.”
“Excellent,” his superior nodded, before turning once more to Jess and Malek. “If you two would like to follow me to my office, I would be happy to arrange for a proper tour for you both. And please forgive the rather unfortunate affair that had occurred just outside. Such occurrences are rather infrequent, I am quite pleased to say, and as we stress to all our students, no one may force you into a duel, and I, for one, advise all my students to politely decline, suggesting a nice game of cards over which to patch over any differences.”
The man flashed a self-effacing smile. "I myself skirted two duels that way in my youth, and made a fast friend in doing so. And for all that some might declare such an overly cautious move, I am alive and well today, with no stain upon my name."
Malek nodded solemnly at this. “Wise words, sir. For as General Griffin used to say, the most decisive battles are those that never need be fought, assuring victory and the lowest possible casualty rate.”
Jess nodded at this, well aware of General Griffin's history, having been drummed into her head by none other than her most revered and feared of mentors, General Eloquin himself. General Griffin had a modest record as a tactician, having achieved his rank in a time where bloodlines counted for more than experience. Though a fair tactician, Griffin's skills as a diplomat are what he was most renowned for, being credited with helping Erovering survive one of the most tumultuous periods in its history, when all the continent had been at war and Erovering had been far more renowned for its crops and wood than its military prowess, such as it was today. In fact, any number of treaties Griffin had negotiated between Erovering and her trade partners had lasted in good faith for centuries.
Their gracious host beamed approvingly at Malek. “Indeed you are correct, young sir! It is a pleasure to make the acquaintance of a true scholar visiting our college. My name is Neetle, seneschal to the dean, and it is my pleasure to serve you.”
Malek dipped his head. “Thank you, seneschal. My name is Malek de Sousel. My companion and I, close friends of the diOnnis, were hoping for the privilege of making use of your fine library this day.”
“But of course,” the seneschal enthused. “Please, follow me, young sirs, and I shall escort you there straight away. Shoemaker?”
“Yes, sir. Refreshments shall be brought to the library at once.”
Walking at a relaxed pace, the seneschal proceeded to regale a bemused Jess and Malek with the Scholarium's colorful history, from its initial discovery along with the rest of Krona, in such a marvelous state of repair even after being found completely abandoned so many centuries ago, to its initial charter as an institution of learning by none other than the Red Queen herself. He gave an impressive accounting of the centuries since then, pointing down one grand corridor or another presently brimming with harried looking students and aloof looking robed professors, leading to grand rooms, Jess was assured, where numerous accords of peace and understanding between Erovering's various rulers and visiting dignitaries had been forged in centuries past.
The Scholarium, Jess learned, enjoyed the rare distinction of being both a school of learning and a favored institution of numerous kings throughout the ages, its tomes considered but one wing of the royal library itself, open to any and all worthy students and scholars to study and peruse while visiting, though said tomes were forbidden from being removed, save by royal hands.
“Unless, of course, they are being rescued from fire or other such emergency,” the seneschal assured. “But fear not, wards of protection against fire, worm rot, and other external influences were put in place centuries ago, as strong as any wards cast by even master wizards in this day and age.”
Jess nodded solemnly, enjoying the lecture despite herself, feeling almost transported as she walked along the brilliantly polished floors of tiled marble, gazing upon the abstract designs carved upon the sparkling walls they walked past, constructed of the same strange stone as were the outside walls of the massive structure reputed to be inured to any siege weapon, no matter how powerful, not that anyone was foolish enough to risk losing such a masterwork testing that mad claim.
“Wards against worm rot? Isn't that outside the elementalist tradition?” Malek asked.
"Interestingly enough, I believe it is," the seneschal allowed. "It is said the wards were forged by none other than the Red Queen herself, and that she was beyond the strictures and limitations of lesser mages. Ah, here we are, young sirs. The heart of our fine institution, the library in all its glory."
With that the seneschal bade them enter, Malek and Jess gazing about the massive library in breathless awe for some moments. Bookshelves of oak, teak, and other hardwoods stood in sturdy and imposing rows throughout the grand chamber, each near completely filled with scholarly works. Jess could only imagine the priceless boon such a fortune in knowledge represented.
But what Jess registered first and foremost, what her body was trained instantly to respond to, were the extremely polite looking guards, openly helmeted and mailed despite wearing brilliant white tabards and welcoming smiles, politely greeting the various students and scholars, several providing assistance as well. Much like their full suits of mail, their arming swords and bucklers worn at hip were unmistakable signs that these were well-trained soldiers. Their every movement conveyed perfect control, always appearing perfectly balanced, ready to draw their blades in an instant. The hard gazes above their gentle smiles only emphasized that truth, and Jess understood that for all that they were happy to put students and professors at ease under the guise of greeting and assisting, they were soldiers first and foremost, assigned with protecting one of the king's greatest resources, and
would not hesitate to strike dead anyone seen attempting to steal or destroy library property.
Jess allowed herself a cold smile of approval. “It is good to see that this library is protected by more than simple wards.”
“Oh, of course!” The seneschal assured with a gentle chuckle. “Fear not. They are as polite and respectable as a man could hope for, eager to put all at ease, but protecting the king's tomes is their chartered duty, and one which they will carry out with absolute fervor. And to my mind it is a relief, knowing that none of our sacred works will be pilfered with these valiant men on duty!”
Malek nodded. “Wonderful. Now as to the nature of our research, we are looking into the legends and folklore concerning many of Erovering's oldest settlements, wishing to compile a report and ascertain common themes, if any.
“Ah, a worthy enterprise!” the seneschal beamed. “Tell me, do I have the honor of consulting with bards, this day?”
Malek gave a polite chuckle. "Not bards per se, though we are on good terms with several of them. Right now we seek to learn the history and lore of a town named Pomell. Most especially we are interested in determining its exact location, if we can. For we suspect that it has disappeared from human memory as nothing more than a legend, and if that is not a living tale worthy of the bards, then I don't know what is."
The seneschal blinked at that, before giving a thoughtful nod. "In truth, I have never heard of this Pomell. Which is odd, as I consider myself to be a fairly well-educated man. But if this town really did slip into Shadow, then our forgetting it had ever even existed is to be expected.”
The man frowned, caught between disbelief and curiosity. "And you are sure this is a true town? But of course you are, or you would not be here. Please forgive the thoughtless question. Rather, let us see if we can find any written accounts of such a place in the property records. That would serve as proof of its one-time existence and give us a starting point for our queries, if we can but track such down."
Jess smiled. "That is precisely our hope, sir. We would dread to find we have been on a wild goose chase, but for the sake of our studies, we very much hope we can find some record or mention of this town somewhere, whether in a tome of property deeds or as a footnote in any tome or map of Erovering territory. It would serve at least as a starting point."
The seneschal blinked and gazed at Jess, truly considering her for the first time. He allowed himself a puzzled frown before shaking it off. “Forgive me for being a poor host, but I fear I do not recall your name?”
“It's Calenbry,” Jess smiled. “And thank you again for agreeing to help us in our search.”
The seneschal tilted his head, a small smile playing upon his lips. “Of the Calenbry clan, then? Not Geoffrey Calenbry. Though you do bear a passing resemblance to him, your features are rather more... graceful. Ah, I think I understand. Rumors of some of the goings on at Highrock have reached even these humble ears. Friends of the bards, indeed,” he winked. “It is rare we have the pleasure of a Delver's company, Spring Delver that you may be. But fear not, we are on good terms with the Guild as well, allies to king and Crown and all of Erovering that they are, in times of need.”
Jess flushed, despite herself. “I'm trying to keep a low profile,” she explained.
“Of course,” the seneschal deadpanned. “It must be no easy thing, being burdened with the duties of lady and Delver both. Fear not, the Scholarium is nothing if not discrete.”
“Thank you for that, then,” Jess quietly said. “Seeing as we are being exceedingly candid, let me just say that it is of utmost importance that we find some trace of this town if at all possible.”
The seneschal actually bowed. “I shall instruct the scribes to make a piercing effort to find any and all such documents,” he assured, giving an abrupt clap of his hands and quickly relaying his request to no less than three assistant librarians who immediately attended him. “Now then, let me escort you to one of our finer tables, and I do believe my assistant has just arrived with a platter of wine, grapes, and cheeses for your perusal.” His face turned apologetic. “No breads or sweetmeats, I'm afraid, for obvious reasons.”
Malek nodded. "No crumbs for vermin. A swallowed grape does not splatter, and cheese does go well enough on its own with a strong red."
The seneschal smiled and bowed before them even as his assistant placed platter and linens for their use. “The scribes shall be back with your tomes, should they find any record of what you are looking for, and if you will forgive me, the rather unfortunate events of this morning prevent me from looking after your needs more personally, but please convey my warmest regards to the diOnni clan, nonetheless.
Jess smiled. “Of course. That was an unfortunate thing, what happened to that poor student, baited by such a spiteful lord, and on school grounds, no less.”
Though carefully said, Jess couldn't completely hold back her ire, the seneschal's features suddenly tightening.
"You may rest assured Lady Calenbry, there are edicts recently in place preventing just such a thing, advocated by both your father and Duke diOnni himself. Fear not, we shall get to the bottom of this, and I have no doubt that the Council shall see that lord fined most satisfactorily for his actions this day. For all that I regret that we cannot bring the poor boy back, his family, being of common stock, shall want for nothing. I shall do my best to see to that bit of justice at least, I assure you."
Jess flashed an approving smile. “Justice of a sort, and I thank you for caring so about your students, seneschal. That alone speaks to the worthiness of your institution. Now we just need to find out who that lord was to give him his just desserts... through proper channels of course.”
The man grimaced and nodded. “I already have a contact looking into that very matter, I assure you. Would that I could stop dueling on student grounds outright. But severe fines should any man die by another's hands on school grounds, even if a lawful duel, were the best we could do, and thank the saints above, no other students have died upon Scholarium grounds this year.
Malek gave a sympathetic nod. “We do what we can, and that's all we can do. A friend of ours is also looking to discuss the matter with the Council, in order to better protect commoners from bloodsport, citywide. Thank you greatly for your time, seneschal. We shall be sure to let the duke know of your most gracious assistance.”
The seneschal bowed once more. “If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask any of the scribes, and I shall leave my assistant Shoemaker here to serve you in my stead.
The shorter man nodded. “It shall be my pleasure to assist how I may, my seneschal.”
With that, the seneschal made his leave as the three scribes began a thorough search for any records, geographical or even legendary accounts of Pomell. Jess turned a considering gaze to her shieldbrother. "I'm surprised to find that the seneschal of this school is actually versed regarding the incidents at Highrock and our role in them, no less. And what did he mean by 'Spring Delver?'"
Malek chuckled softly, flashing Jess a rueful smile. "Oh, he's in the thick of things, Jess. You can just tell. No doubt he has contacts in the Guild and in the king's network of agents as well. He'd almost have to be, to have made it so far up the ranks of what amounts to the king's own library, and the favored institution of learning of near all the lords of Krona, save those of a more military bent, who favor our own school. The dean's second is as savvy as they come, and don't let his friendly demeanor fool you. Can't you sense the tactician's calculations firing away beneath his gaze? I have no doubt that he's had more than a few enemies crushed for crossing him, as much as he will play the warm friendly uncle to anyone on good terms with one of his patrons, such as ourselves. Who knows? Rumors of our saving Raphael's hide might have already reached his ears.”
Jess gave a bemused shake of her head, thoroughly impressed. "I might have a knack for sensing malice and deception when I catch the gaze of someone who bears me ill-will, but I didn't sense any of
that. Whereas you seem to have completely figured out the man, peering under his mask and getting a sense of his nature with a single conversation. All I saw was a perfectly nice man who meant me no harm, so I didn't give the seneschal a second thought."
Malek chuckled softly. “Ah, my Jess. You spent your earlier years in far more ideal circumstances than I, for all that we both learned to be ruthless savages under the tutelage of the man whom we both love to hate, and at the same time work damned hard for just one nod of approval from. My House, unfortunately, was thick as thieves when it came to intrigue and backstabbing. Bloody nightmare it was, I'm afraid.”
His gaze turned momentarily haunted, and Jess had to fight the urge to hug Malek tightly right then and there, before he abruptly laughed it away. "The hell with ancient history, Jess. And it doesn't surprise me a bit that Neetle made a good impression on you. He was doing his best to charm you, no doubt sensing a future player in the game of Houses, and has nothing to lose in staying on your best side. Besides, no doubt his curiosity is as peaked as ours is, in terms of getting to the bottom of the mystery of this ghost town no one can even seem to recall. As to what he meant by Spring Delver, however, your guess is as good as mine. And I do believe it is high time you and I hit the stacks as well. We can't expect the scribes to do all the work."
Nodding in unison, the pair went off looking for any tome the scribe might have missed, Jess feeling no shame in taking Malek's lead in the arena of higher learning, where his expertise so soundly exceeded her own.
Bloody hells, we've been at this for hours, and no luck whatsoever.”